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Thinking Outside the Box


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What if there was no dot com, dot net, dot org?? Or should I say, the search engines didn’t make that com, net, org a priority in the search engines. Hmmm.

Well, it’s very possible that will happen in future. (I can hear everyone saying that I’m crazy)

But, in my business dealings around the world I came across reliable sources that provided the secrets that I can’t tell anyone. I can tell you to look around and see what’s going on the internet and why the big players never do the same. Another hmmmm.

2015 will sure tell the picture as the internet continues to change rapidly. Stay tuned.


Its been years since domain extension mattered! But guess you mean domain extensions would cease to exist? That would cause chaos as there are so many domains that would be duplicates without the extension.


Domain extensions will exist, but maybe not dot com, net, org. There have almost one thousand new extensions ‘names’ introduced this year. This is another reason why the search engines are changing their strategies and specifically indexing of websites. Guaranteed that next year we will see even more massive changes with search engines.


Yep a lot of new tlds since 2012 when icann started accepting new applications. I have been running a handful of test sites with some of the least popular extensions and have also included some of the new tlds!

My results have been that since 2011 its been equally easy to rank high with all extensions i have tried.

2015 is sure gonna be an exciting year for those of us who study search engine algorithms.


Yes, agreed 2015 will be interesting. But, we are confident that in the future dot com, org and net will be slowly removed as top level domain. Replaced by tlds with a name which actually makes more sense for categorization.


I have seen a lot of the new extensions being used, especially since the opened up more country extensions. I feel like the professional tlds such as .doctor, .lawyer, etc. will be important in the future. How easy will it be to search for site:.lawyer your city and find what you need? Website developers need to start pushing these professional tlds to their clients.

Another good thing that will come from all of these new tlds is that those who are hoarding .coms and .nets will have to loosen up the strings a little, as people find that they don’t need them. Everyone said .co would not take off, and it took awhile, but it is now showing up more and more. I do a lot of research and I’ve seen a lot of .io domains lately, because India is a huge market that marketers want to tap.

edume said: in my business dealings around the world I came across reliable sources that provided the secrets that I can't tell anyone


I'm sorry edume, I don't mean to offend you, but I just think it is strange that you think this is some sort of secret or breaking news and that you are trying to help by posting this here. I see it as more advertising in the wrong forum although it is not a bad try! Yes, tld's and everything internet-related will change. Impermanence is the only permanence. I am old enough to know how much the web and social media changed things since those terms weren't even around when I was a very young person. This is an interesting topic and you seem to have plenty of intelligence. Why not get some things going in the Chit Chat forum or somewhere that doesn't seem so self-serving?


It’s important to let buyers know what is going on. There are many professionals who purchase on fiverr so it was adequate to post here.


Reply to @edume: Sure, I sort of understand that.

What I don’t understand is your other forum post, entitled “Hohoho Merry Christmas”:

Important Tip:

"We also would encourage buyers to visit our gigs and consider a video for your website. Now, not just any video, this has to be planned carefully. It’s better to have a company (we are a company) that is professional and reliable and understands the video and broadcast industry. We plan your video, make suggestions, provide you with extras that are not advertised in order to make the buyer feel and see the value in what they received."

This is a tips for buyer forum. It isn’t a self-promotion forum.


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