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Extra Fast not scaling up?


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Hi there, I’m a writer and I’m getting a lot of work on here and for the most part I’m enjoying it. I added the extra fast option when I became a level one seller but I need it to scale up. I offer a $5 gig of 500 words, a $10 for 1000 etc but both of these only cost $5 to deliver quickly, is there a way to get the extra fast option to scale up? I am getting orders for a lot of work in less than half the time and I need it to be worth it. I’m happy to work fast and my customers expect to pay more than I can charge so it doesn’t make a lot of sense. Surely others have this problem? Am I missing a fix?

Any help greatly appreciated, I just want to be paid properly for pulling all-nighters to meet deadlines, I don’t want to seem greedy or anything, I already work for very little money considering the work involved.

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I’m offering different prices for different word counts in exactly the way you describe, but I need to tie the extra fast option in with the word count ordered. I want the extra fast option to rise incrementally with the size of the gig, so if they order 1000 words extra fast, it’ll be double the cost of 500 words in the same time frame. Any ideas how to do this? I assumed there’s be lots of more experienced Fiverr writers having the same trouble, but maybe I just need to separate the different word counts into different gigs instead?

Thanks for your help and suggestions 🙂

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I like the idea of the extra fast scaling up.

For now, the best suggestion I can make is make your ‘extra-fast’ price worth your average extra fast order. So if you frequently get 10.00 orders under extra-fast, price extra fast accordingly.

If the extra fast cost is steep for a smaller order, the buyer will sometimes contact you to negotiate. You can suggest in conversation they just buy gig extras to cover a lesser rush fee, and you personally commit to them to deliver the work in x days.

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