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I started almost 1 month ago, at first it was fun and useful way of spending my free time, but now it become huge part of my life, because I earn some money, but it is not the most important thing, much more important is helping for people, and doing this you gain skills, which will be useful in the future. Now my goal is not to earn more money, but become top rated seller, I’m ready to work as hard as I can. But now for 6 days I have not received any of orders, yeah it’s sad, but I’m always ready to help even for free 🙂 I’m glad to be a part of Fiverr crew

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Great fiverr Members

My name is Susan Patrick A.K.A “Money Speaking”. A 24years single lady. Am simple but fun. I live in Whitebrook Park, London. Am a Webdesigner and Infopreneur. Recently, i help people get ANY Loan from top AA rated Banks in London, Hong Kong, Europe, USA.

I look forward having Strong Business Relationship With You.

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Hi Everybody,

I’m still a Fiverr newbie, but I love LOVE Fiverr.

I purchased a few gigs last year, but for 2013 decided I’d offer my own gig doing Reviews & Testimonials By Actors. I also act for commercials, film shorts, etc.

Though I have a B.A. in Journalism with a focus in Broadcast, when I got out of college back in 99’, I taught myself web design and entered that field. I worked in ecommerce for 12 years, tired of it, and needed to change my direction to focus on my passions. Fiverr has made that possible.

Acting, singing, and creative writing have always been my thing - ever since I was a kid. I never shied away from an opportunity to perform or write.

For the record, these Fiverr gigs do more for me than any “real” job I ever had as an ecommerce/user interface software engineer. In fact, I no longer do that line of work; except helping family and friends every blue moon…Yeah, I don’t have all the money I used to, but I have bucket loads of happiness, and that’s my most valuable possession!

Again, Fiverr is giving me the chance to make some money doing what I love, and I love Fiverr. You guys rock!!!

One day, I’m going to be famous, and I’ll say Fiverr helped me in making that happen.

Thank God for Fiverr.

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Hey Everyone 🙂

I will title that one " My Big mac Story "

My name is Danijel and i’m from Austria 😃

A couple years ago my aunt asked me to make a Video/ Photo Collage for her daughter, at first i thought ohh no WORK :frowning: but as is started with the project i simply got hooked to it, i was constantly working on making the perfect Video Collage, and after 2 Weeks or so i was finally able to show her, well she cried 😃

Cried because she was happy, and after that i started to do some more work for Friends / Family etc.

They loved it 😃

I was looking for something online where i could sell those stuff but not for Thousand of Dollars just a couple bucks, a couple dollar just to say " You know that Big Mac menu? I paid it with money i earned from something i love to make " and the day will come where i go there and say " A Big mac Menu " and i’m gonna pay it with that money and trust me when that day comes, i will upload a picture and thanks everyone here 🙂

I know that 5 $ doesn’t sound much, but for me that big mac and that coke are more than just a Big mac Menu…

And now i'm Hungry... how about a Big mac?

Thanks for your time :)

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Hello all. I joined Fiverr at the end of April 2012 and have so far made around $600, which I am pretty happy with. I mainly offer proofreading gigs, but we hope to expand more in to photography based gigs too this year.

I found Fiverr via a Hub on Hubpages while looking for more online work. Fiverr so far has given me a bit more creativity in my life and allowed me to work more from home (the dream!). For 2013 earning are being saved for a deposit on our first home, so i am hoping to grow my fiverr work a bit more this year. 2013 has already shown growth luckily so I am quite happy. Now to get a website sorted for my online work - will probably look for someone on fiverr to do that too!

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Yo biggups to the Fiverr people, my name is Ben ,

I’m another new member that’s discovered this fiverr site again,

I’l try to write a poem to tell you who I am ,

I’m quite a creative, thoughtful and hard working man.

When I first discovered fiverr, and when I saw all the gigs,

the great entertainers in mad clothes and in wigs,

the creatives, the bloggers, the hardworking, the mad,

I thought ‘hang on a minute, this aint so bad’

'if these people do it , and others will buy,

I’v got plenty to offer so lets give it a try’

I’m a guitarist , a singer, a campaigner, a guy,

that lives and breathes music but gives most things a try,

I’m a beadmaker, blogger , i’m an entrepreneur,

that’s makes not much money, with a still lot to learn,

I’m a hippy, a rebel, well that’s what they say,

that’s works at hard at so much, still no job and no pay,

I’m a thinker, a lover and a caring soul to,

with my unique imperfections, like all and like you,

I’m a lost soul, a found one thats both a fool and i’m wise,

that’s it from me anyway, nice to meet you girls and guys 🙂

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I’m a web developer living in outback Australia. As such, there’s not much work for me here so I’m working from home setting up websites etc. Just discovered fiverr and think it’s a brilliant idea, so I’ve put up my first 3 gigs. My wife and I are hoping to raise enough money for our honeymoon - which we couldn’t afford in 2008 after we married - and I hope that my gigs and work on here will help a bit 🙂


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Hi I’m Jay

a graphix designer, Joined fiverr barely 3 months ago, and since then the going has been good, I make logos, banners, business-cards, movie posters and more, lately I’ve also added making sketches to my gigs, hoping for the best, fiverr has changed a lot, and I’m glad to be here.

Have a nice day!


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Hello everyone 🙂 I’m Jan

I’m a freelance illustrator of anime/cartoon style. I’ve been a fiverr member for nearly a month now and so far it’s been fun and all good. I’ve already delivered 14 orders and earned 100% rating. Hopefully I’ll be Level 1 soon 🙂 I’ve met three good returning buyers who have been extremely nice. I’ve never sold as much and most of all, gained much appreciation for my artworks in other sites. That’s why even though I think $4 tend to be an underpayment I still enjoy working here in fiverr more.

These are why I’m really happy to have tried fiverr 🙂

So that’s my case 🙂 Great to know you all 🙂

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My name is Chanthira. I’m new to Fiverr. Looking forward to the experience and making new friends. I love humour and cartooning and I’ve actually made my first sale. Hope there’s more to come. Will deliver the best work possible and sharpen my skills. Cheers.

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I joined fiverr yesterday and have made 5 sales. I find it amazing, it is basically a free place to post your gigs. It is like free advertising. I also own a company who makes/sells legal high party pills and am earning 7K per week, fiverr is just some extra income and some fun 🙂

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Hi I started on Fiverr about a month ago, I wanted to show case my squidoo lens making skills, I also wanted to develop a part time income. I have risen to level 1 but am looking forward to further progressing.

I decided to offer buy 1 get 1 free on all my gigs because then my customers get even better value for the mooola,

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Hello everyone! I’m Allie and I started fiverr last May just days after I graduated high school. I immediately loved this site, and in the summer, I quit my job lifeguarding to do fiverr full time! I am now in college studying communications (Obviously!) and don’t get quite as many sales as I had due to not having room for a better background, but I absolutely love the site, not only because I can work online, but also because I LOVE what I do 🙂

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I’ve been on fiverr for a few months at least now, but this is my first time checking out the forum. Thought I’d stop in and say HI!

I came to 5r as the buyer first. I was looking for ebook cover illustrators, and VoiceOver professionals. I found what I needed for the low price of 5 bucks, and have been addicted ever since.

I make book trailers, always have loved making them. So I decided to post a gig for it. I’ve been getting more and more orders, and I’m rated 100% positive. So grateful to the 5r community.

You can check out my gig here: http://fiverr.com/belac77/design-a-stunning-and-beautiful-unique-trailer-for-your-book


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Hi anyone.

I’m Zilch. I’m Thai design student. I’ve been on fiverr for a 3week. I found fiverr from one blog I followed. It’s too good for my free time. 🙂

I’m graphic designer and illustration.

I’m not good in English, but I will try. 🙂

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Guest johnroberts

Howdy Everyone John here!

Im a Full Time Freelance Graphics Video Animator, Web Developer and Designer. Doing fiverr for 5 months now. I normally work 8 to 10 hours a day monday to friday and saturday on some cases. — What i believe … “Great things are not done by impulse, but a series of small things brought together.” =) I glad and happy being part of this community. m/

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Hello everyone!

I’m totally new here! It’s been really inspirational to read all of these stories!

I’m hoping I have even half the success as many others here!

I work full time as a real estate agent but also have 10 years of director-level sales and marketing experience. I am an avid reader and writer both blog style articles and fiction. I have a son with special needs and am also very active with an animal rescue group, just looking to earn a little extra money while doing things I enjoy!

Good luck to all! I also can’t wait to be a buyer as well!

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My username is Mckeng31 from the UK I joined fiverr a while back with intentions of making some pocket money. Since I joined I have started a career as a voice over artist and decided that fiverr was still a good way to gain some voice over jobs and at the same time get promotional material to use to advertise my talents. Here is my link for voice over jobs on fiverr: http://fiverr.com/mckeng31/record-a-2-minute-script-in-an-english-accent

Have a great time on fiverr and if you need a voice over artist for your next project look me up.


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