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Religious Discrimination


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Hey Everyone,

I had a very weird situation with a seller who delivered a draft of the icons I ordered and I had a few tweaks. Nothing major. She then told me that God told her she could not complete the order. I have a yoga business and that this was “the work of the devil”. I actually had two orders and she tried to cancel them both.

I would understand if she would have declined the gig from the beginning due to her religious beliefs, but this is bizarre to me to wait until the day the gig was due and then change her mind when I was depending upon the work.

I declined to mutually agree to the cancellation because I wanted to reserve the right to leave feedback. Now, both orders are shown as “rejected” but Fiverr still has my money. Any insights on what I can do?

Thanks peeps!


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Guest joethorn

Sorry, I don’t help those who do the Devil’s work… 😉

Um, if it were me, I’d wait until the deadline expired then slap her with 2 negative cancellation feedbacks. You’d get your money back, she’d get two reds.

It depends on how much you want to fuss around with her really.

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Yep, what joethorn said. That is such an odd reason to reject a mod. Sounds like bs , she probably just doesn’t want to do the work and pulled that crazy reason out of nowhere. Lol I can’t imagine telling one of buyers that, “I can’t complete your request, invoicing is the devils work!”. Sorry you had a crappy experience with the seller 😦 .

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Guest celticmoon

You know, this is the first time I’ve heard of something like this happening, so I looked at the ToS again. I couldn’t find any reference to “discrimination” but as we all know it does say stuff about honesty in gig descriptions. If the gig doesn’t list any sort of restriction about what the seller will or won’t do, then I think the buyer should file a complaint with customer support. The way this seller handled this order is not right, IMO. The gig description should say “I won’t work on what my personal religion defines as devil’s work” and since every flavor of religion has it’s own dogma, it should list what that includes, like “I won’t work for companies that sell pink polka-dot underwear for men”, or “No depictions of female elbows allowed”.

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Haha! Thanks @joethorn. I should have called this, “Doing the Devil’s Work”. She does have a religious disclaimer on her site. But yoga is not a religion. I could see maybe where she had the misconception that it was Hinduism, but she should have rejected it outright instead of working on the order… She also told me that Catholics are not Christian and sent me a bunch of bible verses to show that meditation was un-Christian and that I’m walking a dark path. Yikes!

She did submit one order but without attaching anything. The other order is still open. I’ve just never seen the “rejected” field on my toolbar before and I figured that Fiverr would have credited my account right away if she was somehow able to push it through the system without my consent. I don’t really know how things work on the seller side of things.

Thanks for your feedback and kind thoughts. I had no idea what to make of this 🙂

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Trade cannot be forced, it must be MUTUAL. If I hire a t-shirt designer and he tells me “I hate guns, I can’t design anything pro-gun,” I may be angry, but I just hire someone else who’s more interested in making money than in making BS. Of course, there are things I have moral objections against, so sometimes I have rejected buyers, although that happens rarely.

Freedom of religion doesn’t mean “freedom from being discriminated because of your religion.” A Greek Orthodox Church is not going to marry you unless you convert to their religion. A Muslim restaurant is not going to server pork, and if a Muslim doesn’t want pork in a BBQ joint, he should go to another BBQ joint or start his own.

You should have accepted the cancellation, I don’t understand people that want to do business with people who don’t want their business. This is insane! Your seller hates you, why do you want to make her rich? FIND ANOTHER SELLER!

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Rejected actually means that you requested a modification. If you haven’t requested a modification before, that’s why you have never seen it. (As a seller I dislike that they use “rejected” for this, because it can get confusing as it is here. It also makes it seem much more confrontational than it really is. If a buyer would like me to fix something, I’m totally fine with them requesting a modification. I don’t label that as “rejected” in my mind.)

Just my thoughts.

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Reply to @fastcopywriter: Not anymore buddy… this only occurs with religions outside of christianism such as muslim, buddishm, induism etc, My cousin was married with a catholic in a greek orthodox church without converting him to orthodox first…

Yoga is great, is not meditation though, it might makes it easier for you to meditate…

Meditation is great too, if you speak with educated priests they ll tell you it is the same with having a prayer

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Reply to @dionisaras: Yoga has some religious components, and some religious chants. Of course, there are secular ways to do yoga, but the seller has the right to reject an order, in fact, he has a duty to his own conscience first. Fiverr is not about altruism or self-sacrifice, it’s about trade. We’re also supposed to do things we enjoy on Fiverr. Someone who hates Yoga has no business doing anything for yoga. Remember, we’re not places of public accommodation, we’re individuals trading with other individuals. I’m not Burger King, you can’t have it your way with me unless I agree with what you’re doing.

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Reply to @fastcopywriter: I can understand if from the start she rejected the order, but it was when the user requested mods. The seller should have requested a cancellation right from the start if she had an issue. Like the buyer said, she would have understood if it was from the start. This isn’t a case of a buyer trying to force the seller to do something against her beliefs, she had already completed the work, she pulled out that excuse when the buyer asked for a mod. And at that point it is an excuse not to finish the work, she never should of started the order if she had an issue. It’s the sellers responsibility to know what they will and won’t do and act accordingly.

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I think the money will come back to your account after 14 days… i think.

as for her not wanting to do the orders because of her religion I do understand.

I am a religious person and in my gig I have a note at the end saying “no nudes” and I always tell my customers to contact me before making an order to avoid embarrassing situation.

as for me I would do yoga stuff, it’s not against my religion but people have their own limits to what they can do and cannot.

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Guest celticmoon

Reply to @superfunart: But if someone ordered “unclothed” (why did I get fragglesrocked & you didn’t? lol) artwork, would you wait until the day it’s due to be delivered, or AFTER the buyer asked for a modification to say “I don’t do nudes” and request a cancellation? That’s what the seller did in this situation. She accepted the job (2 jobs, actually), but then decided yoga was evil the day it was due for delivery and after delivering the first order and being asked to modify it.

That sounds more like the devil’s work (because it’s dishonest) than doing yoga, in my opinion!

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