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how do I add tags to a gig..?

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Hi all..

I'm trying to set up a new gig. I've skipped over all the normal nonsense of this hideously designed site and tried to just keep it very simple..

I'm now told that I have to add tags but nowhere does it say what a tag is or how to add it.. I've added keywords and it just keeps saying 'tags' are mandatory and why they are useful but not WHAT they are or HOW to add them.. I tried to look for the fiverr help section but apparently that now does not exist.. so I searched the community forum and got no results.. I tried hashtags before and after but it doesn't allow none letters or number..

any suggestions.. what is a 'tag' and how to i add one..?

Is there anybody in this company actually interested in making this process vaguely useable..?

thanks  paul

images below



no help.png


how gig.png

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You're encountering this issue because the words you have typed in text box are not registered by system as tags. 

Solution: After you type the word in the text box - you can either choose the tag from recommendations or just press enter after each word you wish to choose as tag and system will assign the word(s) as tag in the text box. 

Your text box should look like this for system to identify and register the tags:


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