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51 minutes ago, katakatica said:

As a writer, we do need to have a really good understanding of the languages we use. Writing is really hard even in one's mother tongue!

For sure! Even when I write in English, which I’ve basically been speaking more than Danish for the last 10 years, I have to really concentrate. Here on the forum I don’t really care, so I might make mistakes, I don’t know. But when you write something that needs to be published, it needs to be native level. And native level is HARD! So, I double check and triple check everything I write to make sure it’s as native as can be. 

To write in English professionally as a non-native speaker, you need to be at a level where you realize that there are things you won’t get right the first time (it might be fluent but not 100% native-sounding) and then you need to know how to detect your mistakes and how to fix them.

Edited by vibronx
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Hi vibronx..I agree with you a 100 percent that's why I have english as fluent in my profile and not native.and who doesn't make mistakes?even the best of us do sometimes.I am just trying to give my best and the mistakes that I have been told,wouldn't be repeated. I was just concerned about the rating I got and the way some people handled it here made me think that I am the worst possible writer and I deserved it.

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3 hours ago, amnaah25 said:

Hi vibronx..I agree with you a 100 percent that's why I have english as fluent in my profile and not native.and who doesn't make mistakes?even the best of us do sometimes.I am just trying to give my best and the mistakes that I have been told,wouldn't be repeated. I was just concerned about the rating I got and the way some people handled it here made me think that I am the worst possible writer and I deserved it.

I think it's valid for you to feel bad... but maybe it's also important to think about all the advice you were given. 

You might be an awesome writer in other languages- I truly don't doubt you are! But selling work in English with the typos and structural errors you've made might cause even more bad reviews. Have you ever written fanfiction? Or just commented on social media?

People who read what you've written for free can tear you apart for the smallest thing. When someone actually spends money on a product (let it be a poem or something else) they want it to be as perfect as possible. 

That being said, I'm positive that you can make it if you continue learning and improving yourself!

Don't get too discouraged. Study, practice and try again!


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Hey no, i haven't written fan fiction but I have written stories for different magazines in English.Yes i do agree with you about my mistakes and I will try not to do them again but you were a beginner once too and you did mistakes,didn't you?

I will surely try to diversify my style and give my best to the next order I recieve(when I recieved it).Btw thankyou all for your advices.

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3 minutes ago, amnaah25 said:

but you were a beginner once too and you did mistakes,didn't you?

Yes, we were all beginners, but the point is that maybe beginners shouldn’t be selling writing on a professional platform. I don’t doubt you have it in you to improve, but you need to realize that while a writer will always make mistakes, the finished product has to be perfect. That is what buyers are looking for on a professional platform such as Fiverr. So you have to edit until it gets there.

Edited by vibronx
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Hi buyers.I am just here to get to know what do buyers look in a content writing seller?I am a poetry writer and I am starting anew here..so far I have got 2 orders and expecting to get more soon.but tips would you give to attract more buyers?

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As a buyer, I look for a couple of things. 

I often use Fiverr for small gifts - lots of art, sometimes some writing or translation depending on what I need. I never outsource something I can do for work, but I do love seeing what unique bits other people can come up with!

What I look for is a unique offering. Something that I know will be well received. I also check samples quite critically. They need to be perfect (or at least good.)

However, where I vet the sellers (especially writers or translators) the most is communication. 

It's not foolproof, but it helps to know that we are able to talk well enough!



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34 minutes ago, amnaah25 said:

Hi experts..I just want to know while working on a project for client,should we directly deliver it or first show it to client in the chat,take their opinion and then submit it?

Since you're new to the platform, it would be a good idea to share the work and take feedback from the buyer.

After delivering a few orders, you will get a decent idea about how many revisions your work requires. And then you can take a call on whether to start delivering the work directly or to seek feedback on the order page. 

Most things on the platform can ONLY be learnt through experience. There are no fixed or readymade solutions. 

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