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Fiverr Profile Approval


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Hi creatives,

I am interested to know how to create a stunning gig that will be approved. Could you please share some ideas?

I am a graphic designer and new to Fiverr.

Thanks in advance!

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Hi there,
I am a new member of Fiverr. I am seeking some help from experts about the gig system. What is the best way to create a gig? What should I follow to create a gig that will be approved? Please help me share your valuable thoughts. Thanks

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-Perfect Keyword research; choose most searched keywords and add also low competitive KW.

-Unique and attractive Title

-Use image which express your service and professionality

-add portfolio

-Use 2 or more images

-do image seo

-write perfect and unique description

-suitable pricing and delivery

-explain your service

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