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Comment fonctionne la tarification des bien et services sur Fiverr



Bonjour la communauté 😀.

Je débute sur fiverr en tant que seller, mais je rencontre actuellement un souci dans l’élaboration de mon premier gigs 😑.
En effet, je n’arrive pas à vendre ma prestation à moins de 80$ quel que soit le type de pack que je veux offrir🤨 . Fiverr m’oblige à utiliser des prix compris entre 80$ et 1000$.
Cela m’embête un peu parce que je trouve cela trop coûteux sachant que dans ma niche certains vendeurs le font à moins de 20$ 🤔.
Commencer débutant que je suis avec une telle grille tarifaire ne me serait pas profitable. Je ne sais pas s’il y’a des gens ici qui sont dans la même situation que moi, mais j’apprécierais toute aide qui pourrait me permettre de résoudre ce problème.
Juste au besoin, je tiens à préciser que ma niche c’est le développement de page web .
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Hello @devichesdano 

Our Community welcomes diversity and is continuously growing. However, we encourage the use of English as the main language, especially while participating in discussions or asking for advice related to your Gigs. This will help and encourage more people to participate and engage with you in your posts thus helping you in solving your issue. 

Thank you for your understanding.

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Hello @Fiverr Staff

Thank you for clarifying this point.
I had my doubts about it, but I thought it would have no impact on the environment of this multilingual community.
This being the case, I'm going to retranscribe my question into English.
And I'd like to take this opportunity to ask you, a member of the FIVERR staff, if you have an answer to my concern.


Hello community 😀.

I am starting on fiverr as a seller, but I am currently encountering a problem in the development of my first gigs 😑.
Indeed, I can't manage to sell my performance for less than $80 no matter what kind of pack I want to offer🤨 . Fiverr forces me to use prices between $80 and $1000.
This bothers me a little because I find it too expensive knowing that in my niche some sellers do it for less than $20 🤔.
Starting out as the beginner I am with such a price list would not be profitable for me. I don't know if there are people here who are in the same situation as me, but I would appreciate any help that could help me solve this problem.
Just in case, I want to specify that my niche is web page development .
Thank you.🙂

Best Rgds.

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On 6/6/2024 at 6:01 PM, devichesdano said:

in my niche some sellers do it for less than $20

Do they have sales? It doesn't matter if they offer for less if they are not selling at that lesser price.

Do they offer the same service? I've seen people who claim their gig is "web page development", but if you look closer at the gig, it's only designing the layout and no actual functionality. Or, they only offer a very basic landing page, instead of a full website. Or they use presets and templates, rather than custom work. 

The $80 price is set by Fiverr with the intent of higher quality and quantity. You can read more about the minimum on this Fiverr Help Center page: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/4410009235601-Standardized-Gig-packages 

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