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  1. After a few days, email them again.
  2. Email to the fiverr support team
  3. Congrats that you are a seller now. I'll share my experience with you. 1. I provided quality service on a low budget to attract my first client. 2. Be unique and put the necessary keywords. Moreover, give a summary of what you are really offering. 3. Keep yourself updated and have a good relationship with clients even after finishing the order. 4. Don't beg, don't be rude, & don't be impatient.
  4. select not registered option
  5. internal review can be a game changer in the success score.
  6. Already done!
  7. Contact Fiverr support team. Moreover, I don't like that AI bot pop up.
  8. You are also included in my notifications. lol
  9. Do you feel the necessity of adding a video to your gig? Did you add one? Did you realize any difference in your success metrics after adding a video?
  10. Hahahaha, very funny! At least the question is worth enough to bring you here and compel you to make a comment. Moreover, using a tool only to make pictures for gig will not make me an expert in photo editing to provide service. By the way, thanks for your valuable comment.
  11. Do you use Canva or Adobe Photoshop to create your GIg image? Moreover, do you have any other suggestions?
  12. Its a part of copywriting. You can use models like AIDA or PAS to write an effective description containing keywords. Make it enagging, understand the intent of the buyer, and of course, present the benefits. Remember, buyer wants benefits, not your features.
  13. Upload your projects to give visitors idea about your past works.
  14. Congratulatioms!!!!
  15. Setup a payment method. You can see articles about it or watch YouTube videos.
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