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Success score at 3


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Hello dear fellows, I am really struggling and wondering at the same time about this new score system. I don't know what I am doing wrong, but my score is at 3, while the reason they're showing is 'conflict-free orders.' It has been more than 6 months since I've had a cancellation. Secondly, regarding 'Client satisfaction,' I haven't received any negative reviews during the last 6 months, as you can see in the screenshot. I have spent a lot of time on the platform and dedicated my best efforts to building my career here. Now, all of a sudden, this is happening without even proper reasoning from the support team. If this continues, I will lose my Level 2 status, which I've held for more than 2-3 years, and I've been waiting for Top Rated status for more than 18 months. I will lose all the benefits, including promoted gigs, which is one of the only reliefs as my gigs are being deranked.


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I think the system just doesn't work right. I had an unexplainable fall in "response rate" just now. Yesterday I qualified. Today my response rate is 75% and the metrics is "in progress." The thing is, I did not see any new message that I should respond to. Nothing in the inbox, no email alert... The only message I did not reply to was an ongoing order chat when I messaged a client I made progress with the order and I will finish it soon. The client answered "thank you." An ongoing conversation should not be part of the response rate metrics, this just doesn't make sense. There seems to be a lot of chaos and the new system needs a lot of work. 

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Keep in mind that conflict-free orders metric - "Evaluate the frequency and nature of reported disputes and related issues during the order process. 

Avoid potential conflicts by setting clear expectations and respectfully responding to any client concerns."

So even certain disputes are a factor, not just cancellations. 

Client satisfaction - there are also private reviews,  where a buyer might "fry" you, although he said all the best in public review. 

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4 hours ago, milos_siena said:

there are also private reviews,  where a buyer might "fry" you, although he said all the best in public review. 

It's insulting that Fiverr gaslights its crowd by explicitly misinforming people that the new system "brings more transparency". This is the exact opposite of transparency, regardless of whether the private reviews is a good thing or a bad thing. 

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Well, these can only add to our confusion rather than provide a solution to our question. We don't know about the client's nature; if he is fully happy and satisfied with the service in public or in messages, I don't know what could make him change his mind in private. To my knowledge, there haven't been any disputes with me in last 6 months, even in our messages. With six years of experience on Fiverr, I've developed strategies for client interactions, yet this situation remains puzzling.

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Well @greeneyesdesign
As I also have a similar situation, I noticed that because of extensions, it decrease the conflict free rating, however, I'm facing the issue because of my clients I need some things from them and the work is pending because of that however,  it still effects my "Conflict free orders".
So analyse again, you might be sending out extensions, that's why it creates the issue!

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18 hours ago, milos_siena said:

Keep in mind that conflict-free orders metric - "Evaluate the frequency and nature of reported disputes and related issues during the order process. 

Avoid potential conflicts by setting clear expectations and respectfully responding to any client concerns."

So even certain disputes are a factor, not just cancellations. 

Client satisfaction - there are also private reviews,  where a buyer might "fry" you, although he said all the best in public review. 

@milos_siena There are many times I faced the delay in the order because of the Buyer not providing the required things to finish the order, as I work on mobile apps frontend and sometimes the backend is done by the buyer itself, and because of backend delay I can not move forward on the front, I have to add many extensions, can you please let me know how an algorithm or the "AI" will understand that it's the delay from a Buyer side??
Moreover, the extensions are done with mutual consent, so why does the platform have a problem with it?

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@develotech No, I understand your scenario. If there was anything from my end, I will figure it out. Out of 2000 orders, I have never sent a single delivery late, or needed an extension because of the nature of the work. Mostly, I do work beforehand and send it to the client with a watermark. If they are satisfied, they can place the order; otherwise, I don't charge to avoid conflicts, etc.

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I think that the algorithm that fiverr uses in the new seller level system can be affected by the cliques of the gigs because since the update I have been at 4/10 success score then I went down to 3/10 without anything do and then yesterday I had a click on my gig and I came back to 4/10 

PS: so we know what to do to help each other

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@sirouss Well, we all can say that out of our experience, we learn with the passage of time, but we don't have much information about this. However, if this is the case, does it mean if your gigs are deranked, you are out of the game? Because if you're getting fewer clicks and your competitors are getting a good number of clicks, you will lose all the benefits despite the years you have spent building your profile.

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2 hours ago, sirouss said:

I think that the algorithm that fiverr uses in the new seller level system can be affected by the cliques of the gigs because since the update I have been at 4/10 success score then I went down to 3/10 without anything do and then yesterday I had a click on my gig and I came back to 4/10 

PS: so we know what to do to help each other

This is NOT true. 🥲


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1 hour ago, greeneyesdesign said:

@sirouss Well, we all can say that out of our experience, we learn with the passage of time, but we don't have much information about this. However, if this is the case, does it mean if your gigs are deranked, you are out of the game? Because if you're getting fewer clicks and your competitors are getting a good number of clicks, you will lose all the benefits despite the years you have spent building your profile.

this is why the new system is failing Unfortunately it's the truth fiverr doesn't care about your hard work

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