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How could I get my first order?


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Hello! Myself Shammy as a professional graphics designer on fiverr. I already done the skill test of Adobe illustrator and adobe photoshop. I'd opened my gig 2021 but unfortunately😭 I didn't got any order😭.Because I couldn't concentrate on this for my study 😫besides I believe that I could get order easily. Then I was upset everyone get order as I didn't get any scope for show my skill. Then I hardly decide that I need to get order if I have to do hard work ,I can🤯🥴. I create a new gig and arrange everything properly. I upload the gig last day approximately 8:40 pm - 9 pm.😇🤗 I get message 9:18 pm✌️😱. I didn't believe my eyes after talking some time with client she gave me 50$ work order🥰 . Please support me and pray for me. I share my true story because of inspiring you all who already  give up hope😰.Listen you can do everything if you do hard work and try your best, now I believe that😍😍

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On 8/29/2023 at 12:24 PM, shammy_hasan said:

Hello! Myself Shammy. I'm a professional Graphics designer. I already completed my skill test ( Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator) on FIverr. But I didn't get Any order And click. Anyone Suggest me how can I get order? Give me some advice

There are several article about this, please read this. I think there are no secret sauce about to get order quickly.

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4 minutes ago, pathanybd said:

are you making a joke? remember fiverr is an online marketplace so you need to most of the time be active,

Are you kidding yourself too? Fiverr is an online marketplace but where is it written that you have to stay active most of the time to get your gigs ranked? With 1 review (1*), how can you suggest this useless tip to others when it has been ineffective for you too? 

Focus on yourself first! 😑

1 hour ago, shammy_hasan said:

How we could rank our gig ? without staying online😐

Well, it looks like that you need to improve your gig gallery. Add creative gig images in your gig galleries (all gigs). Also, you have chosen one of the most highly competitive niches on Fiverr so you need to optimize your gigs in such a way that it stands out among others. For this purpose, you can do research on Fiverr regarding your niches.

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