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About sanyi_diriba

  • Birthday September 10


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  1. Hello community, So I am trying to create a new gig but by lower price My services was to create a wordpress website from $10 But when I fill out all the forms and try to make the price $10 I got an alert that I cant make my offer less than $80 or else move it to another category. Yea If your answers is move the category to another category I was but when I search online and when I check peoples gig! The are still putting the category and everything as I did but they are offering starting from $5 So why it is working for them but why not for me!
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  2. Okay thanks it is so helpfull
  3. So hello everyone, When i first joined this community i see one badge in my profile it is hi emoji with the text of newbie. But when i came to realize when i becoming posting questions and other posts My rank become increasing and it says kinda of 5/14 Contributor. So i am confused what is that thing...
  4. Hello community, So, For the past weeks I have been working hard on my Gig. Creating Gig video , description , thumbnail and gig setups. So the first time I established my gig was before a 1 half month then I got 30 impression for the past 30 days. But then since this week I started asking for help on how I can improve my gig. And surprisingly I got some important things to do. Like... 1.Editing my description 2.Creating the best thumbnail 3.Creating gig video and so on and the best part is after I got done those things in like 2 days now my gig impression is around 250 😀 But I still ain't got any orders. So for the last time I am asking you guys the last things to improve my gig. Thank you all for your support...😀 Your replies means a lot to me...😇
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  5. Okay i will thanks
  6. Yea i was but he removed his account i guess
  7. Yea sorry about that
  8. Yes my brother checks it all the time
  9. Hello Everyone, So yesterday night i got a message from a random person named ''michaelwilli856'' He said he wants to offer me a job and i agreed and he said ''' Okay, Kindly drop your mail ''' & i knew something was off about him he joined July 2024 and we are in July 2024. But then I replied... Saying No, Then even though he is online he didn't replied me for a hours. and I got notification that i can no longer contact him. From fiverr which is in the picture!
  10. Hello Everyone, So yesterday night i got a message from a random person named ''michaelwilli856'' He said he wants to offer me a job and i agreed and he said ''' Okay, Kindly drop your mail ''' & i knew something was off about him he joined July 2024 and we are in July 2024. But then I replied... Saying No, Then even though he is online he didn't replied me for a hours. and I got notification that i can no longer contact him. From fiverr which is in the picture!
  11. Take a look at this! @imagination7413 OMG! He actually removed his account or something else happend! I am sorry if i am not be able to reply because i have finished my daily post!
  12. Is it okay if I post our conversation by screenshot!
  13. @imagination7413 , no there is someone who asked me for a work and then when i was agreed then he said ''Kindly drop your mail''. But i said no.
  14. Yea @imagination7413 , I read that post even though i didn't finished but i really appreciate him
  15. Yea @uk1000 Maybe let me change that to Why Me?
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