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tik tok

Guest digital_hype610


Guest digital_hype610

what is tik tok ads?

11 answers to this question

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19 minutes ago, digital_hype610 said:

what is tik tok ads?

You claim yourself to be a "Digital Marketing Expert" and you are asking this question? Don't you know the answer of your own question? 😑

You should answer it so that we can have knowledge about it too.

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12 minutes ago, smartdezigns said:

You claim yourself to be a "Digital Marketing Expert" and you are asking this question? Don't you know the answer of your own question?

Wait, the BS gets better.


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3 minutes ago, theratypist said:

Hello, omelette du fromage?

If he corrects you and says it's une omelette au fromage rather than du fromage, then he's absolutely a francophone.

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Hey vickiespencer,

When I paste a paragraph into the comment field, it goes in as rich text, and sometimes this can lead to unintended formatting changes, like the gray background you mentioned.


Have a great day, Cheers!
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@vickiespencer Also I noticed a small issue with the link in your community profile's 'Website' section. It currently looks like this:
https://www.fiverr.com/vickiespencer?up_rollout=true ], which includes the '?up_rollout=true' parameter. This parameter will redirect potential buyers to the main Fiverr landing page instead of your seller profile. If they are in seller mode, it will redirect them to their own dashboard, and if they are in buyer mode it will redirect them to the main Fiverr landing page.

To ensure that potential buyers can easily access your Fiverr services, you can update the link to the standard format without any additional parameters:
[ https://www.fiverr.com/vickiespencer]. This way, anyone clicking on it will be directed straight to your Fiverr profile in buyer mode where they can explore your services which are truly exceptional and among the best in the business. 


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1 hour ago, vickiespencer said:

@abotsdev thank you for that info. I already changed it. Would you please check to see if it works? And thanks for the lesson about the gray text. I always thought it was a Chatgpt thing. 

You're most welcome! It works perfectly now, it's not specific to chatgpt although it's highly probable since I noticed that some inarticulate users (pardon my language) abuse it to farm points and rank up their level in order to obtain badges and gain popularity I guess?
However the main effect as I mentioned is caused by the paste of text into the comment field.

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