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Notification Icon



Hey Fiverr community, if I ask any buyer to "check notification bell icon if there is anything else to tell more about the delivery and my services" a violation of TOS? I am informing the buyer to leave private feedback in other words

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10 answers to this question

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7 minutes ago, udeep7 said:

Ehi comunità Fiverr, se chiedo a un acquirente di "controllare l'icona della campana di notifica se c'è qualcos'altro da dire di più sulla consegna e sui miei servizi" una violazione dei Termini di servizio? Sto informando l'acquirente di lasciare un feedback privato in altre parole


I don't think it's a real violation.
Of course if you are insistent or rude in asking it could be a problem. But if he writes for example "feel free to leave a review" or something like that, I don't think it can be considered "infringement".
Being polite is always the first step.

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20 minutes ago, imagination7413 said:

Fiverr reminds Buyers to leave a review multiple times. Most Buyers find this annoying. Do you really want to risk annoying a Buyer even more?

I understand the human behavior. I do that with buyers who are extremely happy with me. Its after 2-3 days of accepting the delivery & leaving the review. 99% of the time they don't even realize that there is any notification, so i just inform them. Is it a violation?

22 minutes ago, breis92 said:

Of course if you are insistent or rude in asking it could be a problem. But if he writes for example "feel free to leave a review" or something like that, I don't think it can be considered "infringement"

I just ask one time, if they do it or don't. i do it just to inform them so they can see the notification at least. I don't see this as a violation indirectly as well 

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10 hours ago, udeep7 said:

I do that with buyers who are extremely happy with me. Its after 2-3 days of accepting the delivery & leaving the review. 99% of the time they don't even realize that there is any notification, so i just inform them. Is it a violation?

Strictly speaking, no, but it can still be annoying.

10 hours ago, udeep7 said:

I just ask one time

Now imagine a buyer who buys a lot, and every seller they buy from asks just once.

Buyers who buy a lot already complain about all the notifications from Fiverr they get.

And if a buyer does get annoyed...well, private feedback has far more weight than the public one they already left. Do you want to risk a negative private feedback that could make your gigs unpromotable, reduce your sales, tell Fiverr that something's wrong with your service so they start showing your gigs to fewer buyers?

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4 hours ago, catwriter said:

And if a buyer does get annoyed...well, private feedback has far more weight than the public one they already left. Do you want to risk a negative private feedback that could make your gigs unpromotable

I also understand how the behaviour of people works. I don't do it bluntly. I over deliver so much after the order that sometimes client feel bad that they didn't tip me enough, and ask for "is there any way they can tip you more?"

So in exchange of that overwhelming experience I have given I ask if they can check the notification bell as it helps to grow on this platform. 

Not even a single buyer got annoyed with me for this. And I only do it when I make sure the buyer is extremely happy and overwhelmed. 

It's about Fiverr policies otherwise I understand buyers behaviour completely.

4 hours ago, catwriter said:

Now imagine a buyer who buys a lot, and every seller they buy from asks just once.

I know other sellers don't do it because doing it properly needs to over deliver first, where lot of sellers lack. They just want to deliver what they have been paid for. 

If other sellers start using this tactic I will stop doing it avoiding the risk of annoying the buyer.

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4 minutes ago, udeep7 said:

I know other sellers don't do it because doing it properly needs to over deliver first,

That doesn't prevent sellers from pestering buyers to give them a review.

And we saw posts on the forum about sellers who got an account warning after asking a buyer for review. Technically speaking, asking for a review isn't forbidden unless you're asking for a positive review or a specific amount of stars. However, we did see sellers who got a warning after asking for a review, so doing it might be risky.

On top of that, there's the rule that sending unsolicited messages isn't allowed. Now, if this happens

15 minutes ago, udeep7 said:

I over deliver so much after the order that sometimes client feel bad that they didn't tip me enough, and ask for "is there any way they can tip you more?"

if your clients ask you after the delivery and closing the order and tipping you if there's a way for them to give you something more, it might be all right if you tell them to check the notification bell.

If you want to be certain, though, it might be best to ask Customer Support about it. If they tell you that it's perfectly fine, save a screenshot of their response, just in case.

18 minutes ago, udeep7 said:

If other sellers start using this tactic I will stop doing it avoiding the risk of annoying the buyer.


Does this mean you got your account back? I can't find it on the main site.

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10 minutes ago, catwriter said:

Does this mean you got your account back? I can't find it on the main site.

Nope it is still under review. i was just referring in case if I get back my account.


11 minutes ago, catwriter said:

And we saw posts on the forum about sellers who got an account warning after asking a buyer for review. Technically speaking, asking for a review isn't forbidden unless you're asking for a positive review or a specific amount of stars. However, we did see sellers who got a warning after asking for a review, so doing it might be risky.

I have already asked this to CS and they said I can ask for the review if I am not asking for a specific review. But this is different as it is about private feedback. I am not sure  

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13 minutes ago, catwriter said:

if your clients ask you after the delivery and closing the order and tipping you if there's a way for them to give you something more, it might be all right if you tell them to check the notification bell.

Yeah I make sure this first then ask, I also want them to give an excellent feedback so I only do it when I am confident that the client is overwhelmed. 

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I am unaware what are they reviewing? Are they check the other violations related to the same "Copyright Infringement" or reviewing everything in the account because this can take ages. I have never abused delivery button, shared payment method or business outside fiverr, no inappropriate language or foul words, no fake orders or VVRO's, no other copyright infringement, never received a warning  & only have 1 negative reviews (in 2018). 

What is causing them to take so long?

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33 minutes ago, catwriter said:

Does this mean you got your account back? I can't find it on the main site.

I have also read somewhere that they just wait for few days and then ban the account, i don't understand why they take so long for a genuine account. 

I also don't understand that how they decide when to give a warning or when to restrict the account. My violation is not that serious which can't be corrected with a warning or demotion. If this pity misunderstanding can cause the account restriction then i am excited to know what violations fall under the "warning system"? If I make serious violation they will ban me immediately, and if I make this kind of slim violation still they restrict my account... so when will this warning game come into play? What does a seller do when he/she gets a warning? Really disappointed


Never received a warning ever and directly got restricted for this pity mistake. They also know it's unfair... but their playground their rules. 

I have seen cases where sellers are taking buyer outside the platform for payment & getting warning for that, and I am restricted for this!

If they ban me permanently & If this can happen to me , then this can happen to anyone. A small mistake can be made as we are humans not robots.

Humans do make mistake, they need to judge the seriousness, intention & frequency of mistake made. 

The only mistake i did was I thought I had the license for using the template so i can use it. I did not pay attention to word "non-original". 

If they can't give me a chance for this kind of non-serious violation, its just depends on their mood. 

That is the reason they don't define clearly "list of violations to get warning" & "list of violations to get permanently ban" separately so they have the margin to play however they want. They have the choice to give you a warning & spare you for extremely prohibited violation .... and they can ban you for tiny mistake. 

They just want to play this game according to their mood which can't be done if they clearly define "list of violations for warning & Permanent ban".

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