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Account in reviewed



My account was reviewed and they mail me your account was flagged using non-original or copyrighted work examples my profile is level two and its near to complete top rated requirement 😞 i have a team and now i frustrated what should i do, in my opinion i used images in the gig thumbnails from freepik but without any notification or mail my all gig denied, my all life, house circle fulfill from this, please give me the suggestion what should i do now, and when i mail they tell me we take decision in 90 days:( 


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22 minutes ago, concept_logo said:

in my opinion i used images in the gig thumbnails from freepik

So you did show someone else’s work as your work 🤷‍♀️ 


23 minutes ago, concept_logo said:

but without any notification or mail my all gig denied

Gigs being denied is a notification. 
You lied and presented someone’s work as yours and that’s a big no no on fiverr. You signed fiver rules and ticked the box that you understand and agree with those rules. Fiverr also has a part where they say that for certain rules like non original work or contact outside of the platform they might ban your account right away. 

24 minutes ago, concept_logo said:

they tell me we take decision in 90 days

To be honest I never saw anyone getting their account back when they broke the rules like in your case. 

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12 minutes ago, concept_logo said:

i used free commercial images not a scam

That’s a scam. Again if you read the rules you would know that even if it’s free commercial images you can not show them as your own work in your portfolio and you can not use free images or clip art for creating logos. 
Reviews doesn’t mean anything because your clients simply might not know that you used free stock images to create their logos. 

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42 minutes ago, concept_logo said:

then this thing will be notify through any mail or notfication

They don’t need to notify you that you are breaking rules, you should already know it yourself. 
if somebody robs a bank does police come and say “oh ok we will just notify you that you shouldn’t do it”? No they put you in jail for breaking rules. Same here: you broke rules and fiverr took actions against you. 

44 minutes ago, concept_logo said:

for not closed any life circle who served many years on this platform

If you are betting all your life circle on a platform then you should definitely read the rules and not break them. 

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I do have to say exactly same that @mariashtelle1 told you !
But I am surprised that you never changed your portfolio images of your original work and kept using free stock images..

Does that mean that you thought they looks better than your original work ?
Buyer approaches to you after seeing your gig and very first impression if your first gig thumbnail and here you misleaded them using free stock images to derive a traffic to your gig..

Edited by surajrenuka
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i understand but in this case i dont know about that when ever i first make my gig i used them but after that i dont look on that even i have better portfolio with in the years but it take too strict on that, by the way thankyou all, i have no skill like a child i have professional skill with 700 + satisfied clients but for this terms and condition i missed that part and they didnt remind me for take that action.

Edited by concept_logo
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5 hours ago, concept_logo said:

i used free commercial images not a scam

If you're a designer, you have to use your own images. Doing anything else is misleading to your buyers (and a huge violation of Fiverr's Terms of Service).

3 hours ago, concept_logo said:

i understand but in this case i dont know about that

Not knowing the rules is not a valid excuse. It's your responsibility to learn all the rules that apply to you.

4 hours ago, concept_logo said:

not closed any life circle

That life circle is your responsibility, not Fiverr's. And you let that life circle down by ignoring the rules.

3 hours ago, concept_logo said:

any one have their opinion to resolve someone issues by the way thankyou

You can try to appeal your case. As in, to apologize to Customer Support for everything you did and promise never to do it again (and then to really learn the rules and stop breaking them).

It's unlikely that it will help, considering that you broke the rules multiple times; what's most likely to happen is that you will get permanently banned from the site. But you can try.

Other than that, you can open an account on another freelancing platform (use Google to find them), and before you start working there, learn the rules and be careful never to break them.

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