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Seller asks for $ for instructions


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Hello, community.

I'm a bit lost. Let's get straight to the point tho..

I have reached seller which I thought would be able to fulfill my requirements. We set the price, delivery time and discussed the details. He declared he will create long lasting project with external features. We put the order on the wheels. 

The process of creation seems to be smooth. Both me and seller had smooth conversation. He was updating me about issues he faced up but came with solutions for these. I realized I missed one part in requirements list, so I asked if it'd be possible to add one of those. Seller had no issue with that, he said it will be done. 

Couple days later I see order mark as delivered. Getting the .zip file asap so I can test it straight and review seller. Well, not quite so. The project was about software, and it was there. The problem was, there is no instruction for it. It was a software that was based on 3rd party programs and apps, which i was aware because that's part of the programming. So I kindly informed seller that the file is missing instruction, i can't run .exe file because I need to set the environment upon that specific software. He answered quite after, that instruction file is paid separately. I was kinda confused, since when and where do people have to pay external money for instructions to tools? I said that there is no chance for him to charge me for something that should be involved in basic price. He claimed that he didn't meant that, saying that his English is bad, he just wanted to say that it will take time for him to create instructions. Believe me, his English is nowhere to be bad, he just wanted to cut additional money from me. After 15 min he delivered the instruction. 

The fun has not ended yet. Instruction was so unclear, that someone who have no clue about coding will be never able to make this software running. I was struggling 3 days (approx 25h spent) to make this software working. Durning those 3 days, I was informing seller about issues and erros I am facing, he couldn't answer what could cause the errors. So eventually I was asking him multiple questions so I can lead him to the solution. And yes, we finally made it. The environment he used was out of date, which he realized after my questions about it. I installed version that he was using and I could finally run and review the software. 

Time to review the code. Delivery completed?

I ran it. I was already tired of it but since I managed to run the software, I was hyped out to test it out. Well, guess what, it was not working. Just as simple as it sounds, I run it and it's popping up error. I'm kindly sharing that info with my seller, he said he will fix that. Shortly after I rewinded our chat, and what I saw is, he said he is struggling with 1 thing. I look at the code, and the error occurs in this exact situation he described he is having problem with. So basically he sent me software which he know is not working. He is asking me to mark order as competed, which i won't do untill I get final version of working software I ordered. 


What should I do in this situation? I'm quite sure he has lack of knowledge to make it working. He declared that everything works correctly on his end (and that's a lie, because I have insight in results that this software should show, and there is none). He is now saying that he already made few revisions for me (revisions, yeah, I just wanted working software...), and now he's is quite busy with other projects. 

And we are talking about BASIC requirements that we discussed before placing and order. Saying I'm not satisfied with product is a slight understatement, because it's simply not working. 

Edited by fewer43
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well I believe you can report that to Fiverr. As you said it wasn't much about the communication or how the seller was acting but the actual final product that wasn't working. It also depends on how much you paid for the service, so it's up to you but for sure he's not following what he stated. It's the same thing as a graphic designer delivering a logo which has a low quality and it can't be used anywhere, he might have done the job but at the end it's not really usable.

If he stated the things you said in his gig or in your conversation and he's not respecting that, you have all the rights to either report it or leave a bad review.

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Okay, this could be the reason why this seller hasn't created the software you're looking for;

  • The seller had no idea of your requirements, which you provided to him.
  • How would you like the software codes to run? for your company or business (just a hint)

If you are dissatisfied with the work he delivered, I'd ask customer support for a refund if it's possible to get your money back from that seller.



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I would report him to Fiverr and give a bad review.  That is horrible,  I am sorry that happened to you. I have looked and hoped to get a buyer that is so communicative.  You did nothing wrong and he did not deliver.  That is just horrible experience.  I hope it gets better for you soon. 

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8 hours ago, fewer43 said:

I'm quite sure he has lack of knowledge to make it working. He declared that everything works correctly on his end (and that's a lie, because I have insight in results that this software should show, and there is none).

First of all, there are two points of view here, so we need to make sure that the seller is really at fault. Request a "revision" (you can continually click on revisions if you want without limit; this is an abuse, but it sounds like you should do it because the situation calls for it) and ask him to provide a screen recording as evidence that it works correctly on his end.

Second, the instructions. The gig is for software, and so the seller can be technically correct. However, if the instructions will require a great deal of writing, it might take up the entire day; therefore, a payment may be fair. But if the instructions are going to be simple (one page), I find the seller unreasonable.

Third, This quote can be used to help you get a refund from this seller when you talk to the customer support.

8 hours ago, fewer43 said:

He claimed that he didn't meant that, saying that his English is bad, he just wanted to say that it will take time for him to create instructions.

Let him know that you will be posting a negative review due to the fact that you had a poor experience with his services. Serious sellers take this very seriously, because once a seller has a bad review, it can cause an immediate decline in the algorithm here, which will prevent them from getting work for quite some time.

Edited by strategist_ceo
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