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Seller asks to mark the order as complete without attached work.


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Hi, I ordered a pine script tradingview code. I gave the instructions and everything was good. After 2 days, the seller contacted me that the work is complete and he has set an order as delivered. However, the delivery does not include any code and he says that he will give me the code after I accept the delivery. I really believe that it is not how it is on fiverr, that I can accept a delivery without any work. If so, please let me know. Also, he is really insistent - says that it is how it is on fiverr and I don't know that because I am new here. I am pretty sure he wants to scam me - I did not accept the delivery. I wrote to the customer support, but without any response for 4 hours. What should I do now? I want to just get my money back as it is still on fiverr. However, in 3 days it will just mark the delivery as accepted if I don't accept it myself. What should I do guys?









How could the seller don't trust me when I already paid? I have read other posts on the forum with guys accepting the delivery and then the seller would run off. If I accept the delivery, it will be marked as completed and the money would go to the seller, wouldn't it? Can't I just cancel my order before accepting the delivery?


Sorry this happened to you, @patoark! For future reference, ignore what @printingitemsaid. Never, ever accept the order if the work isn't delivered. No honest seller would ever request that.

2 hours ago, patoark said:

However, the delivery does not include any code and he says that he will give me the code after I accept the delivery.

That's a huge violation of Fiverr's Terms of Service. Sellers are strictly forbidden to send empty deliveries or to deliver incomplete work.

2 hours ago, patoark said:

I really believe that it is not how it is on fiverr, that I can accept a delivery without any work

And you are correct. It's definitely not how things are done on Fiverr (except for dishonest sellers trying to trick inexperienced buyers).

2 hours ago, patoark said:

What should I do now?

One thing is to contact Customer Support, just like you did. Another thing you could do (while still contacting Customer Support, which you should definitely do in cases like this, to report dishonest sellers) is to request a revision and demand the code that you have paid for (and if the seller sends an empty delivery again, request a revision again, or request to cancel the order). As long as the order is in revision, it's not going to close, and the sellers isn't going to get your money.

12 hours ago, printingitem said:

seller don't trust you

If the seller doesn't trust the buyer because it's a new account then shouldn't have taken the job.

You are justifying a behavior that breaks ToS as you always have to deliver.

Maybe you are right, maybe the buyer can later claim to CS and refund the order, but it's really necessary for the buyer to work outside of how Fiverr's work and the go through the stress of a claim when the seller should simply do his/her job?

11 hours ago, patoark said:

Aight the support helped me,

Glad to hear that you found a solution and CS could help you.


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