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Why Why Why has Fiverr put my completion rate at 50%



I am really mad about Fiverr's faulty analytics.  I have been hit with a 50% completion rating.  That just is NOT accurate.  Here are two incidents that I believe caused this rating:

1.  A buyer - unknown to me - created an order without any discussion or response to my inquiries.  I requested that Fiverr remove this Offer and mark the user as spam.

  (my rate of completion dropped to 67% and my level dropped to Beginner)  - I have been on Fiverr since 2017 -- not a beginner!

2. A potential client wanted to post a review after I helped then make a decision about their next best step.  I set up an offer of $5 so that they could do so.  Then the buyer responded that they did not want to pay a Fiverr Buyer's fee and they Rejected the Offer. 

(my rate of completion dropped to 50%, and I am still at Level Beginner )    I have been on Fiverr since 2017 -- not a beginner!


I always complete my projects.  I want the completion rate returned to 100% and I want to receive a proper email from Fiverr if the analytics engine thinks I have not completed the work and I want them to look into correcting the engine.


Please send me  an email to discuss the problem.


Thanks,  Pendragon2 - Mary 

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3 answers to this question

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Completion rate relates to cancelled orders. Because fiverr stats reset every 60 days, this is how that looks:

You complete an order on Day 1, Day 30, and on Day 59, you cancel an order. You have 2 complete orders and 1 cancelled order, so your completion rate is 2/3, or 66%. 

However, the stats only account for the past 60 days. So on day 61, your order from Day 1 is no longer counted. Only the orders between Day 2 and Day 61 make up the past 60 day period for stat collection. In that time, you have only completed 1 order, and cancelled 1 order, so your order completion is now 50%.

This will improve when you either:

1. Complete more orders

2. 60 days pass since your order cancellation

Clients are allowed to place orders without speaking to you first. Cancelling an order for any reason will bring down your order completion rate. The only time I have gotten cancellations without it affecting my stats is because someone just never filled in the order requirements, so after 6 months, Customer service cancelled it without having it impact me.

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I experienced the "down grade" to beginner level due to my client cancel their orders, both me and my clients were satisfied with the agreement to cancel the orders. However it reflected on our seller level and it is not fair. I don't think it should be taken into the stats if both seller and clients comes to a mutual agreement or if the clients didn't provide enough information to start the project... etc. Also the current way is too easy for anyone to come and bring down your seller level (= exposure & impression) on purpose. Come on, we paid 20% service charge technically we are Fiverr clients too! Fiverr really needs to look into this and improve the current stats calculation to provide a fair platform to their sellers too!

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Hi @pendragon2,

In both of these cases, you could have had the buyer cancel with "ordered by mistake" and it would not have affected your seller stats. I have done this several times with my buyers. This requires that you first talk with your buyers and communicate this clearly so that they can cancel it correctly. Here is how you do it:


12 hours ago, joyh97 said:

Clients are allowed to place orders without speaking to you first. 

This is absolutely true. If you didn't talk with the buyer and just canceled because the buyer placed an order, then this cancelation should affect your seller stats.

If you had discussion with the buyer and determined their request was outside the scope of the order, you could have the buyer cancel as "ordered by mistake," or you could cancel through Customer Service and it should not affect your seller stats. Sellers are not penalized for buyer errors (if canceled correctly).

12 hours ago, pendragon2 said:

I want to receive a proper email from Fiverr

You'll have to submit a ticket to discuss this with Customer Support (they won't find this post). You can submit a ticket here:




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