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Buyer trying to cancel after completed order and 5 stars

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Buyer purchased an expensive package, marked as complete and gave 5 stars. Now 3 days later is requesting an entire refund. What are the chances support will take the buyer's side? Seems insane to me that someone can go through all that work and get it pulled away last minute. 


Did the person give you any reason for the refund request, or just went straight to it? Because if that is the case, it sounds like a potential scam where the person tries to get away with the work for free.

Like others said, contact the CS as soon as you can. If what you did was in the scope of the original request (considering you got a 5 stars review, I suppose it was), the CS may either reject the cancellation request, or cancel without affecting your rates and also restoring the money you earned from that order (it happened to me once).


First of all, contact with customer support and collect all the information related to the order and submit it to the Fiverr support team.

Make sure, whatever is included in the order, you have provided all the stuffs in delivery and the order should be completed with the deadline.

Then, you have good chance to recover your hard earned money.

I hope this well help you, and if you have any questions or if you need any help, do let me know.


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