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How do I get an order every day?


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Guest lloydsolutions
4 hours ago, rahimtanjim said:

The day before I got 3 knocks but I couldn't get any work which made my impression less and no more knocks.

Suggest you use the word "contact" instead of "knock" in your communications as that will come across as more professional.

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, rahimtanjim said:

I send 2-3 buyer requests per day but it doesn't work. How do I write a buyer's request?
It is better if someone shares some tips.

try to catch the buyer as soon as you can with less number of sent offer buyer access you easily just like" first come first buy"  wish you best of luck😊

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Guest lloydsolutions
2 hours ago, rahimtanjim said:

How do I write a buyer's request?
It is better if someone shares some tips.

Here is what Fiverr recommends: 

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Guest ehmasuk

Nothing is easy here in fiverr. Thousands more people are competing here than you. So try to be unique when you are writing a buyer request.

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When you are to compose offer to buyer requests, kindly send it Professionally, firstly, warming welcome & greetings

Secondly your working experience in the field

Then the main points, is what you want to do for your customers

The reason why he/she has to choose you

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  • 1 month later...

1.) Try to send all the 10 Buyer's Request. That is a total of 30*10 = 300 offers that you are sending out each month. You should get at least a few orders from here.

2.) Click on Growth & Marketing > Contacts. You will get a list of the clients with whom you have worked before. Politely ask them if they need your service. You can offer a heavy discount to attract them.

3.) Take another test on English or Customer Service or any topic related to your skills. This will increase your credibility.


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