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Do you have any traditions for your birthday?


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This Sunday, I'm turning my lucky number in age (which is terrifying, I'm getting old!), so I felt like prying into others' birthdays a bit more. 

Since I'm usually abroad (away from my family), my birthdays tend to be very.... different from one another. This year I'm celebrating with friends (we're having ramen and going singing which is very fun but stressful when the friends invited live 6 hours away from you!) 

The only 'tradition' I really have is that I usually get a haircut around my birthday, and then post a quick 'sad/emotional' post on facebook. Everything else changes depending on where I am, who I'm with (and honestly... how much cash I have!)


Are your birthdays like this as well? Or do you have some fun traditions? 

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As I don't travel much and LOVE to stay with my family MOST OF THE TIME 😄 so my birthdays are kinda similar. Celebrating it minimally with my family and then arranging a birthday treat / lunch with my friends a week or later (because my friend's birthday is too in the same week), so we arrange a lunch together to make it pocket friendly 😄😂

and that's how it goes every year!

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