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These are my suggestions/comments:

Gig: I will design a responsive wordpress website or any type of website
In the basic package "Permium" could be "Premium"
In the basic package "+ UserExpeerience" could be "+ User Experience"
In the standard and premium packages "upto" could be "up to".

In the main gig image "BUSSINESS" could be "BUSINESS". On the profile the text in the main gig image gets cut off.
You could check the aspect ratio of it as that might be a reason.

In the search tags: "wordpres" could be "wordpress".

Gig: I will design logo with any dimensions as per client requirements
In the gig description:
"and I'll make it happend." could be "and I'll make it happen."



Hi smartwebcorner!

You offer a good service that many people are in need of. Here are some suggestions on how you can get your first orders:

1. Try responding to buyer's requests (and check it at different times of the day). Buyer's requests are where I got my first orders.

2. Advertise your services to everyone you know. Share your gig links. I got several orders from my marketing efforts.

3. Optimize your gig. Make sure your gig looks professional and is free of grammatical errors. Include an intro video and relevant pictures of your projects and portfolio. All of this will make your gig more attractive to buyers who look at your gig. Don't give them any reason NOT to order your services.

4. If you don't have a portfolio, create one. You can show off your portfolio with pictures or a PDF with multiple projects. Buyers love to see what you're capable of. 

5. Offer several gigs. With all the skills that you have, create all 7 of your gigs to see what interests buyers the most. I was surprised that the first gig I posted wasn't (and still isn't) my best-selling gig.


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