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New to the Forum? Welcome! Here are 5 Tips for Efficient Forum Use – how to make the forum work better, for yourself, and for everyone


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"Everyone should read this!"

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Hello there, thanks for reading. The forum can be a confusing place, especially when you're brand new, but we all can contribute to making it less so. I hope that one or more of the following tips will help you a bit.

  1. Be precise with your topic title. Something like "Order!!", or "Problem", isn't a good title. Make your title meaningful (What about your order? What kind of problem?) so people looking at the long list of forum topics know right away if they might have an answer or tip for you, or would like to read, or not. 
  2. Be efficient, but still friendly, polite. Wording requests like demands, "Give me tips." and such, will often result in people not wanting to give you tips, people tend to not like to follow orders and demands in their free, unpaid, time. A bit of "could you, would you, please, thank you" goes a long way. 
  3. Be precise with your topic content, question or plea, too, be respectful of other people's time. For example, don't ask everyone for "the best tips and tricks", but ask "sellers that are in the (X) category, like me", or "your best tips for dealing with a cancellation", etc. If people don't feel like they have to write a whole book, or are expected to list their whole Fiverr experience of years, they may be more willing to comment. Threads that are centred around more precise topics, also tend to be a more valuable and in-depth read for everyone. And if you ask for help with a problem, provide the information people need to help right in your opening post, so they won't have to waste time to ask for the most crucial details. Provide a screenshot if it makes sense (but blur any sensitive info like buyer/seller names, etc.)
  4. It's great if you want to show your appreciation for a good topic or post, but it's better for everyone if you show your appreciation by using the reaction emoji below the posts to express your sentiments, so that the discussion can go on without all the "Thank you" and "Great post" interludes, and we all won't have to click on interesting threads, because there are new posts, only to see that the new comment is just yet another "Thank you.", or "Great post".  Reaction emoji are these thingies > ❤️ 🏆 😕, etc. 
  5. Try to post in the correct forum category. Again, like all the tips above, this serves both yourself and everyone: Yourself, as you're more likely to get relevant replies by others, if you post in the correct category, and everyone, by making the forum easier to navigate, less cluttered, a better experience.
    Most categories have explanatory texts that tell you what they are for, and, in theory, you should also be able to see it by the posts and their titles, when you click on the category (but that only works when people do post in the correct category and give their topics meaningful titles).


Bonus Tip: Sometimes, writing is silver, but reading is gold. Before you post a new topic, take a breath. Ask yourself if it's very likely that you are the first person to ask this question, or have the problem. If not, scroll a bit, or use the search bar, you may be surprised at the treasure trove in your hands. 

However, everyone likes good, or informative, or nice, or funny posts (well, maybe not everyone, Grumpy Cat probably not, but you get the idea). Keep them coming! 🙂 


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On 3/29/2022 at 5:12 PM, miiila said:

It's great if you want to show your appreciation for a good topic or post, but it's better for everyone if you show your appreciation by using the reaction emoji below the posts to express your sentiments, so that the discussion can go on without all the "Thank you" and "Great post" interludes, and we all won't have to click on interesting threads, because there are new posts, only to see that the new comment is just yet another "Thank you.", or "Great post".  Reaction emoji are these thingies > ❤️ 🏆 😕, etc. 

The above is my pet peeve. I strongly dislike it when I must scroll through endless 'junk/spam' posts! 

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On 6/23/2022 at 11:37 PM, ferozahamed265 said:

Very helpfull for me.Now i'm clear fiverr forum.Thanks Dear

You're welcome. Another tip - when using an international forum with people from all over the world, it's best to not say "Thanks Dear", just "Thanks", or "Thanks, (username) is more appropriate.

Even better, as mentioned in the opening post under #4, unless you have to add anything to the post or discussion, you can use the "Thanks" symbol available in the reaction emoji below every post. Like that, you can express your thanks to a person who wrote a topic or post, without making the thread unnecessarily long to read through for others.

Welcome to the forum. 

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How to get the most out of the Invision Search Engine

Google has spoiled us a bit. So, here are some tidbits on how to best use the forum search engine (Invision, July 2021 - ???)

1. SPELLING MATTERS - the search engine WILL NOT be able to know that you meant "Fiverr", if you type in 'fever, feaver, fiber, fivver, etc.' 

2. WORD CHOICE MATTERS - the word "Fiverr" yields over 300 thousand results. Try to narrow the results by using more than one word AND the following:



3. The "Didn't find what you were looking for?" filters are your friend

  • Using "Newest results first" 
    • Exactly the same as using the "Sort By: Date" option, but requires fewer clicks.
    • If you want to see the latest post/topic that mentions your search word or phrase, this is critical to minimize ending up in some topic from 2015.
  • Using "___ in content titles only" 
    • Critical to use if you're trying to find a thread on a specific topic.
    • Using this will help eliminated posts within a thread where a word was merely mentioned, and not discussed.
  • Using "___ AND ___ AND ___" 
    • Best for if you are looking for a post or topic you read in the past, and KNOW that it contained more than one specific word.
    • This one will filter for the logic condition that a post contains ALL the words you're searching with, but no particular order.
  • Using "The phrase ___" 
    • Possibly the most powerful tool, if you're looking for a specific phrase.
    • Best for words that are frequently paired, like what Fiverr itself pairs. (Gig extras, Gig statistics, Fiverr forums, ID verification, etc.)

4. The "+ More search options" is your other best friend. Aside from being able to enable both 'titles only' and 'all search term' in one screen (helpful if you have slow internet), this also shows the option to refine where in the forum you are looking, such as only in 'topics'.



Ultimately, though, it takes some use to get familiar with all the options. Try playing around with it a bit. See how many times people have used the term "world cup", or "color theory", or "dunning kruger", or "capybara", or "fries", or "world domination". Try different combinations and synonyms. Try more words, try less words. Use quotation marks. Use the filters. Have some fun reading a topic from 4 years ago where members are using emoji to play a game.

Read. Learn. Grow.

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