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How to get order daily?


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221 reviews out of 291 orders. Of these, only 3 orders had a rating of 4.6. More than 50 repeat orders. 16 orders have been canceled. Then for the last 3 months the impression is downward. No new orders are coming. Sending regular buyer requests. The results are the same. I would like the advice of seniors. Account Link: https://www.fiverr.com/robinbd679?up_rollout=true

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Not by asking others. Be different and don't just follow what other people do. You think Elon Musk or other successful people asked people on a forum for advice? Also don't stay online and follow that bullshit, it won't get you anywhere. Staying online and watching paint dry in front of you doesn't get you anywhere. You want success? Think outside the box, make your gigs innovative and powerful, invest in yourself and accumulate knowledge and don't copy anyone. 

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15 hours ago, minno2 said:

go and edit your gig. delate all old images and reload all images .you can also upload the same images.

That doesn't help with anything.

15 hours ago, ferdous3212 said:

Active online and sent buyer request

Stop sharing this nonsense.


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