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Small suggestion: change the answer option "I'm not ready yet" to something clearer like "commit a change"

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I don't want to disturb unnecessarily, I just wanted to suggest a small change request:
If the seller uploaded the delivery, you will be asked: "Are you pleased with the order and ready to approve?" - You can answer (in the browser / pc version of fiverr) with "Yes, approve" or "I'm not ready yet".

If I read "I'm not ready yet", I think of something completly different like having more time then 3 days to approve the order. So I didn't knew if I should risk it and click "Yes, approve" and hope to have the options "Approve" and "No I want request a change" or if I should just text the seller with my change requests and hope the seller delete the delivery or if I should go with "I'm not ready yet" - of course would be the safest option.

In the app / on my smartphone it said "commit a change" (or something similar). That confused me a little bit more.

Also, on your support page it said: you should use the answer "No", but there is no option to answer with "No", which again led to a little more confusion. Maybe it's also because I don't speak English so well and have therefore misunderstood it, but all the more I think it would be good to make it clearer / easier to understand.

So my wish / suggestion would be to equate the text in both versions (PC / browser & app). I would go with the text in the app "commit a change" or something similar so it's more clear. Or update the support page and change "If you are not pleased and choose to click No, meaning that you would like to Reject the Delivery,..."  to  "If you are not pleased and choose to click "I'm not ready yet", meaning that you would like to Reject the Delivery,...".

Sorry If I disturbed unnecessarily, just wanted to tell you my thoughts / a little problem that I had.

PS: Sorry for my bad english. ^^


Have a nice day.

Best regards,

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