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I would like to include extras for more than $500.


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I'm a voice actor on Fiverr with a standard (NOT Fiverr Pro) gig. I'm coming from the "traditional" VO world, where something like a worldwide full buyout with full rights in perpetuity on all broadcast mediums for the rest of infinity would cost anywhere from $5,000 to $50,000 (or even more, depending).

I've set my rates on Fiverr to generally reflect the standard VO rates that I charge all of my clients on or off platform and on competing websites like V123 and Voices.com, and I've been doing just fine on the platform doing this since 2017. However I've never offered Full Broadcast Rights standard on my gig due to the $500 extra limit. I typically just do a custom offer for usage beyond unpaid or paid web usage priced according to somewhat standard non-union VO rates (I use the GVAA Rate Guide as a general guide, but I often charge a little bit less - you can check these rates out at vorateguide.com).

My request is for the ability to offer extras for more than $500 - preferably with no limit. I would really like to be able to offer Full Broadcast Rights on my gig as a standard option for a much higher price than $500 to better reflect what I do off-platform or on competing websites like Voices.com or V123, and I'm a little perplexed as to why Fiverr would put a cap on how much I can charge as an extra in the first place (this would result in MORE revenue for Fiverr!).

Either way, I'm happy with my successes on Fiverr but it really is a pain to have to send custom offers just to charge my standard rates, and it's annoying to field questions about offering Full Broadcast Rights when at the moment I can't offer them so that I'm not undercutting myself on other platforms or off-platform - I can't in all fairness charge buyers on Fiverr way less than I charge my direct clients.

I am convinced that if Fiverr did this, they would solidify themselves as legitimate competition to Voices.com, Voice123, and similar, which is clearly where the tides are turning either way. This ability would change everything for Fiverr as it relates to their competition.

Also, I realize that Fiverr Pro gigs allow you to offer a higher price, but I've been advised by a Fiverr Seller Success manager to just stick with what's working, as I'd have to start completely from scratch on a Fiverr Pro gig, undoing all the work I've put into this one over the years. I will not sign up for Fiverr Pro unless I can transfer everything from my gig to it, which at the moment is not possible.

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