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Fiverr Doesn't Protect Buyers Anymore!


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I just got scammed and Fiverr allowed it. I got a message from a seller as well requesting for 100 keywords for a book which he provided the link. I went as far as providing over 200 keywords surpassing the agreed deal and even provided categories and competition analysis but immediately I delivered it, I saw a revision request saying the seller didn't provide what I want.

I sent a message to the him and he said the keywords aren't relevant but I was very certain he hasn't even read any of the files or at least the PDF file which I sent so he can see the full details because this research took me close to 6 hours to complete and compile. He later said he would read it and get back to me.

Why would you request for a revision when you've not even gone through the delivery? Immediately, I sent an reported the issue to CS (I sent something fishy) if they would get my back and the response I got is in the image I attached.

I stood my ground that I've provided what he ordered for but he asked for a cancellation which I declined. Only to see that CS has cancelled the order. Fiverr doesn't support sellers anymore and this gives room for scammers to rip hardworking sellers on the platform.

I use two paid tools which are very expensive to offer my service (about $200 monthly) and most buyers of my gig have given me very good feedback as well tipped me in the end and can't be protected by Fiverr is rather unfair as I'm very certain this is not the first time this person is doing this and the most annoying part is that the person is a seller as well.

Going forward, I won't take orders from residence of that country as they are always leveraging on Fiverr loopholes to rip off sellers. Very bad experience and my stats have been affected as well as my rankings. Fiverr allowed this, it's unfair!

Fiverr Scam.JPG

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I'm finding your post s bit hard to follow, you seem to be mixing up seller/s and buyers/s a bit. 

Other than the title and some other things suggest, I guess youre a seller and complaining about Fiverr not protecting sellers.

Anyway, some points to, let's say, disillusionize yourself about, to keep working through Fiverr while keeping your zen:

2 hours ago, cyrusjackson said:

use two paid tools which are very expensive to offer my service (about $200 monthly) and most buyers of my gig have given me very good feedback as well tipped me in the end

Is of no concern to Fiverr, much less to individual customer support representatives.

Better tell yourself that you can have hundreds, thousands of happy customers, but every new case is a new instance and will be seen as an isolated case. 

2 hours ago, cyrusjackson said:

Going forward, I won't take orders from residence of that country as they are always leveraging on Fiverr loopholes to rip off sellers.

You are free to not work with someone if they contact you for a custom offer. You are free to cancel a directly placed order yourself through the Resolution Center, taking the hit to your OCR. However, I'd be very wary of using a buyer's country of residence as the cancellation reason in both cases.

2 hours ago, cyrusjackson said:

I saw a revision request saying the seller didn't provide what I want.

Make sure that your Gigs and custom offers are as watertight as only possible. That gives you a better position if you'll have to deal with scammers. In this case, for example, you could have put something like "I will provide xxx keywords that are relevant as per my research, but can't give any guarantees. The customer agrees to this by accepting this custom offer" (if the person intends to scam you with this reasoning, they'll probably not accept the offer in the first place, and else, you can show that to support).

2 hours ago, cyrusjackson said:

CS has cancelled the order. Fiverr doesn't support sellers anymore and this gives room for scammers to rip hardworking sellers on the platform.


2 hours ago, cyrusjackson said:

Why would you request for a revision when you've not even gone through the delivery? Immediately, I sent an reported the issue to CS

I've always found them very helpful when I had to send a ticket because buyers wanted me to break terms, do something illegal, ordered "by accident", demanded more work than they paid for. However, someone sending a revision request isn't anything you'd contact support about but should try to settle with the buyer first, and only take to support if you can't come to a resolution with the buyer, it's your business, after all.


I know it sucks, the way you recount it, it does sound as if that person tried to scam you, not trying to downplay your indignation, just trying to provide a neutral and calm different perspective that hopefully might help at least a bit. 

Try to not take it too seriously, reconsider your Gig setup, prices, custom offer wording, wether to cancel if it seems too fishy for you instead of losing your time and nerves doing a job and risk not even being paid for it in the end, etc., to avoid scammers as much as possible, and focus on the great, good, and fair customers.

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6 minutes ago, cyrusjackson said:

that was their response

One more live that you have left is to attach a previous ticket number where your support agent said that buyer will have to provide sufficient evidence and that you were reassured that the order will not be cancelled as you completed your work as per your gig description and their requirements. And also attach screenshots that proves the quality of the service you provided 

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  • 7 months later...

I hate the fact that fiverr doesn't give you the chance to defend yourself and explain what  transpired between the seller and the client, a colleague of mine had her account permanently suspended because  a client placed and order with her and it was done to his satisfaction he even went on to praise the work and the seller for her professionalism, only for him to come back three days after delivery and claims he was given copied work while he was provided with a plagiarism report that was 1%, he demanded that the whole 2000 words report be redone but later said he no longer needed the work and wanted a refund, this scammer later went to support and had this ladys account closed, when she went to support they replied like a robot and even went ahead to tell her not to contact them again, surely this ladys account had over 170 reviews and had never received a warning about any malpractice on fiverr but her account was suspended without being given a chance to explain her self, fiverr was her main source of income and she did not deserve to get this treatment, I feel fiverr should have a dispute resolution center and give sellers power by allowing them to rate buyers so that other buyers are can be aware of such scammers, it's not right that this lady lost her livelihood without having a say in it especially when she was pregnant and needed that income now more than ever.

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