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How exactly is a click registered?


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I’m getting ok impressions but the click rate is extremely low, just a couple of clicks per week.

I’ve also noticed a click is not registered even after an enquiry by a buyer. I’m confused. How are clicks considered on Fiverr?

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Guest joy_chandra_dat

Daily send 10 buyer request and marketing your gig on all social media then increases your gig impressions and you get order.

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Nobody knows for sure exactly how it is measured but it is safe to assume that every potential buyer who clicks on your gig in the search result will add a click to your stats. If your click-through rate is low compared to your impressions then buyers are likely not interested in your gig compared to others they see in the search results. A low click rate isn’t necessarily a bad thing though. I have a relatively low click rate but a very high conversion rate from clicks to sales. It could mean that your gig is in a specific niche or price point that most buyers are not interested in.

All that aside though, i really think people should stop putting so much importance on the statistics, especially as nobody knows for certain how to “beat the algorithm”. The most important thing is the quality of your gigs and the services you provide.

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Nobody knows for sure exactly how it is measured but it is safe to assume that every potential buyer who clicks on your gig in the search result will add a click to your stats. If your click-through rate is low compared to your impressions then buyers are likely not interested in your gig compared to others they see in the search results. A low click rate isn’t necessarily a bad thing though. I have a relatively low click rate but a very high conversion rate from clicks to sales. It could mean that your gig is in a specific niche or price point that most buyers are not interested in.

All that aside though, i really think people should stop putting so much importance on the statistics, especially as nobody knows for certain how to “beat the algorithm”. The most important thing is the quality of your gigs and the services you provide.

Conversion is derived from click rate and impressions have no value in it?

I agree to some extent we should focus on quality of the offering rather than metrics but I think it’s also important to know a way to get out there first.

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