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New illustration seller, please welcome me :)

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Hi salliebest
Welcome to Fiverr Community Forum

Gain for fiverr please follow this trips:

  1. Every day Send buyer 10 request properly.
  2. Stay online & Share your gigs social site.
  3. Visit fiverr related group & follow others freelancer
  4. Develop your skill in your category

I hope you got order in fiverr. Good luck for you


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Welcome to the community, Hope you will like the community and help everyone.
Meanwhile you can read this:

Fiverr is a place where professionals across hundreds of industries come to grow their business. To maintain a respectful, inclusive, and safe environment for everyone, we’ve updated a set of standards to serve as a moral compass for behavior in our community. We see the community standards as a “living document” and plan on updating them in an ongoing process. The community standards include five sections: Integrity and AuthenticityIntellectual PropertyObjectionable ContentViolence and Cr…
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Hello. First of ignore the above copy pasted messages about stay online visit fiverr related group etc… It doesn’t work at all.
If you scroll down any gig you can see their tags. You can improve your gigs further before fiverr hits you with some impressions spike. Buyer’s request is place to find job for new sellers but mostly shit buyers. You may get lucky there.

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Be patient, the hardest is to get the first order! So keep the price low for the first order.
When you the first, you can increase, this is what i did, because most of new members struggle to get the first order, i think this works. And worked for my friend.
Best Wishes.

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Hello. First of ignore the above copy pasted messages about stay online visit fiverr related group etc… It doesn’t work at all.

If you scroll down any gig you can see their tags. You can improve your gigs further before fiverr hits you with some impressions spike. Buyer’s request is place to find job for new sellers but mostly shit buyers. You may get lucky there.

Thank you for being honest! I was curious if the advice that all seemed the same was true.

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Be patient, the hardest is to get the first order! So keep the price low for the first order.

When you the first, you can increase, this is what i did, because most of new members struggle to get the first order, i think this works. And worked for my friend.

Best Wishes.

Thank you so much! This is very helpful!

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Welcome to fiverr community,

  • Create an unique and attractive gig with keyword research.
  • Send 10 effective buyer request daily.
  • Stay online because buyer find the online seller.
  • Marketing your gig in social media.

Wish you all the very best for your future.

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