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A month with zero order


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Hello Fiver Community! hope you all are doing well.

I’m a FullStack WebDeveloper who recently starts working on fiverr after being topRated on 2 most popular platforms, well in the beginning here I got good order that worth approx 600$ but now its almost a month gone but I did’nt get any order.

My Service are good & on my completed projects I got good reviews with 5 stars but I don’t know why buyers are not looking at me.

My Services are Development of WordPress | Shopify | Laravel | Magento & Joomla
these are all website development most used frameworks & I’m selling my services in almost NoCost

Dear Community please help me to grow with your precious replies & support by letting people know about me, Thank-You.

Stay Blessed Stay Happy!
Best Regards.

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Hi there.

About a month ago you created a thread where you suggested what new sellers can do to get some traction.

Have you followed your list of tips?


I am not trying to put you on the spot, but I just found this a great opportunity to demonstrate the following point I am always trying to make:

Don’t post tips and “secrets” to your “success” when you first join the platform.

It is, of course, more than OK to share your experience and look to exchange views with your peers.

But from what I see on the forum on a daily basis, people with a few days on the platform come with a bullet point list of tips for new(-er?) members.

It’s almost always filled with bias and it takes into account correlation not causation.

You can’t join a platform and within 20 days or so be in the position to know the in-and-outs well enough to start dolling out advice.

When people with more experience -often quite aggressively I’ll admit- jump in to correct you or to contradict your “findings”, it’s often perceived as “too harsh” and unwelcoming.

Now to actually try and help you out:

-If you are already a “top rated” member on other platforms, why does it worry you that things aren’t going that great on Fiverr? I mean, do you have a steady source of income from other platforms? I’m just trying to understand your point of view.

-It used to be that there were few developers. Now everybody is a developer. So there’s too much noise in your niche. Most people who need a website don’t know what Magento and Laravel and all that stuff do. Try to create gigs based on what people who need you, would search for.

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