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Checkout My gig as new member


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Congrats on creating your first gig!

Looking at it, here are a few tips. Check for spelling mistakes in your gig description (S0cial). Secondly I recommend you improve your gig images. You might think that the satisfaction guaranteed badge will help but it can make the gig look tacky and as far as I 'm aware there is no way you can promise such a guarantee.

Perhaps specify exactly what social media sites you will work on. Remember you really need to sell yourself. The first few lines of the gig description and the gig images are the only things many buyers will look at.

Use your gig images to show previous work that you have done to show customers examples of what they can expect from you.

Good luck


Congrats on creating your first gig!

Looking at it, here are a few tips. Check for spelling mistakes in your gig description (S0cial). Secondly I recommend you improve your gig images. You might think that the satisfaction guaranteed badge will help but it can make the gig look tacky and as far as I 'm aware there is no way you can promise such a guarantee.

Perhaps specify exactly what social media sites you will work on. Remember you really need to sell yourself. The first few lines of the gig description and the gig images are the only things many buyers will look at.

Use your gig images to show previous work that you have done to show customers examples of what they can expect from you.

Good luck

Thanks bro for your kind suggestion


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