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Red color icon instead of the usual green


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Guest tudnofilms

It seems to me the colur change is the least of the problems, server errors and all sorts going on, got some clients saying they can’t get the videos even though they are delivered, sort it out Fiverr! Stop trying to fix what isn’t broke!

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tudnofilms said:
It seems to me the colur change is the least of the problems, server errors and all sorts going on, got some clients saying they can't get the videos even though they are delivered, sort it out Fiverr! Stop trying to fix what isn't broke!

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The videos would not be down to fiverr. They are hosted on Amazon. Amazon servers are having a bit of a problem right now...


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Guest shellbellz183

Me too! I thought there was a problem with my account, I don’t like the red! It should be changed back to the green!

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I just got on this forum, to figure out if the red was just on my side. I cannot work with this color jumping out at me, like a jungle-lion. Fiverr, please change this back to green. I surely hope it’s an accident and not something you guys did on purpose.

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I thought mine was still green until I clicked on the “To Do” list, the Notification bubble, Sales, etc. Those turn rust red.

Not to mention I am no longer receiving emails about notifications and the bubble does not blink. All I notice is the increased number of things to do.

And the site is loading extremely slowly.

Experiment, Schmexperiment. (Sounds gross! :P)

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Guest theowl89

Lol I read this thread while I’m on mobile mode (not apps, because my phone were not as smart as it used to call) and found that the page on mobile network were still green.

Then I logging in via PC to deliver some pizza. Lol I jumped a lot. It says “state thy name, and thou shall pass” in a reddish tone.

I bet this site has been ruled by The Eye of Sauron by now. 😃

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Guest celticmoon

Reply to @kjblynx: Mine is green, too. Maybe we’re special?? I wonder if its the way we’re viewing the site? I still have green with IE on my computer, and Chrome on my phone. Also, the green didn’t change when I clicked on the icon or ‘To Do’ button, as happened to Cheezees.

Must be a secret code from the Illuminati or something~

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