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Why Fiverr doing this to me? Must Read |


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About three weeks ago, a message came for my ID verification. I submitted my ID but it was not approved as the picture was of low quality. From then on, the problem started. Every time I submit the ID, it is not approved. When I told Fiverr CS about my problem, they said that there was no trace of submitting my ID on their server, then they sent me another link and asked me to verify the ID with this link. I uploaded but nothing happened. I told them again, but they said as before there is no trace on their server. CS said I tried everything to try with any other device, changed the mobile, changed the IP but nothing happened. CS this time told me to record with a screen recorder while uploading, I also sent that. Nothing happened. It’s been a long time now. My ID is temporarily disabled. No replay from Fiverr for the last two days. I have no way to do anything. Just have to hope and wait. But I thought Fiverr was a better marketplace. Many people a.re now facing many problems in Fiverr. There is nothing to do. Let’s see what is in the fortune.

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