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Is it time to edit my gigs?


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A lot of people are experiencing a slow down in views and clicks for the last few weeks. Partly due to the huge influx of new sellers caused by COVID.

It may also just be a slow month, last year I had only 4 jobs in May and made only $20, but things picked up after that.

For me, this drought period it started in the first days of August after I delivered my last order, I had a dry period of almost 10 days.

When I went to check my gig it was in the 5th row of the first page for relevance using my keywords.

It used to be a lot higher, thankfully I am still first or second row for best selling, so I have hopes yet.

This week I had a small job for an old-time client, and a small new one (which I am sad to say will probably be marked as complete automatically) so I hope my standings will go up soon with some more jobs done.

A lot of people tell me that positions are cyclical, so there is always the possibility of my gigs going back up.

I kind of want to edit my gig to see if it recovers a bit, I haven’t done it in over a year after all,
but I am scared it may make things even worse.

I think I will wait a couple of days, if I go a couple of days in a row without a click and declining views I will edit it a bit, change my descriptions and offer better packages, etc.

What do you guys think?


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