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Buyer place me order directly without contact me first


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Hello I got one order before 2 days where buyer order me directly without contact me first . As I am website designer so I ask him to send me contents and web platform login details but as I asked he got angry he said he want make me wix partner so he need my email . but as this voilate terms b condition so I don’t gave him my email n now he want cancel order . he don’t gave me required details asking my email now what should I do . he is blammng me . I wrote my profile contact me first but he placed me order directly n now he said my first impression is wrist because I ask him web platform login details . how can this possible ? If he don’t gave him web login details then how will I create website on his web hosting . He is top buyer but doing act like that . I have contact fiverr support but they don’t given me reply till now . now he forcing me to cancel order now please suggest me what should I do now ? Thanks


did you put asking login details in requirements of your gig? and alert the buyer in faq that login details is needed?

if yes. take the screenshot and give him. Say that, did you read my gig properly? and take screenshot of TOS and send him.

if you are a Wix designer. then you should know that, you can develop the site in your own wix account and then you can transfer to him using transfer site capability.


Giving the buyer your email is against tos but is acceptable if the service being provided requires it. Feel free to ask cs to clarify… Adding contact me before ordering doesn’t do anything… Now the best practise would be on the gig requirements make it mandatory to submit everything so that the buyer gets the prompt before placing an order.


Thanks you for reply n yes I cleaey write on my gig please contact me first before order . n also I know I can make website on my wix account n then transfer him but in this condition I need details what contents images they want put on website but he don’t sent me till now only argue me for I m not giving him my mail so he want cancel order . please let me know if he contact fiverr support regarding this then what will be effect ? What they can do ? Also I need to know it is voioate go fiverr terms n condition if buyer contact fiverr support even buyer doing mistake n asking my email ? Please reply me . Thanks


Thanks you for reply n yes I cleaey write on my gig please contact me first before order . n also I know I can make website on my wix account n then transfer him but in this condition I need details what contents images they want put on website but he don’t sent me till now only argue me for I m not giving him my mail so he want cancel order . please let me know if he contact fiverr support regarding this then what will be effect ? What they can do ? Also I need to know it is voioate go fiverr terms n condition if buyer contact fiverr support even buyer doing mistake n asking my email ? Please reply me . Thanks

cs will say you can’t give anything. if buyer need buyer can give details. I faced this problem and I cleared it out by asking CS. tell him to give contents via fiverr. then make it for the buyer and transfer it. Or tell him to make a secondary wix account and tell him to make it as wix partner. then tell him to send the login details of that wix partner account which he created.


Yes I have said him all but now he is saying my impression is wrist n now he want cancel order . please let me know what anything I m doing wrong ? I asked him wix login details , he said I can’t ask him login details when he can make me wix contributed so I have to given him my email which I don’t gave then he said my impression is wrost. Now he want cancel order . that why I contact fiverr support n wautng for his reply but they don’t given me reply till now . Also now order time is less than 12 hours . I will cancel order later but first I want show fiverr support this situation . So I m doing anything wrong ? Also if now buyer contact fiverr support for cancel order then it us voilate fiverr terms n condition by me ? Please confirm me . j m confuse . Thanks


read the tos of fiverr. if it mismatches with your behavior, then you will get tos. for current situation, it needs 1 week to respond.
if he wants to cancel, cancel the order. don’t argue too much cause I can see " maybe you didn’t ask login details in requirement page of the gig"
mentioning contact before placing order is not a fact. you need to alert buyer about need login details in FAQ and requirement page.


Hello I wrote on my gig please contact me first before order n then when somebody placed me order then I asked him to giv his wix login details . . Also as you said now I have sent him cancalation request for order . but what about ticket which I created on fiverr support should I resolve it ? Thanks


Hello I wrote on my gig please contact me first before order n then when somebody placed me order then I asked him to giv his wix login details . . Also as you said now I have sent him cancalation request for order . but what about ticket which I created on fiverr support should I resolve it ? Thanks

Writing in your GIG details count nothing in this situation. So, the most appropriate thing for future is to have it under your GIG requirement fields.


Order got canceled now what about ticket which I create on fiverr support ?/ should I resolve it or waiting for reoky from fiverr support ? Thanks

It also doesn’t matter. If you don’t resolve. Fiverr will answer you. Nothing to do with your profile worth.


Yes I already put on requirement details when somebody placed me order then they get notifiction for giving him login details . but that buyer place order directly don’t given login


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