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Need advice from experienced sellers only


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I know it’s the most professional option, but I would screenshot the abuse and post it on your Facebook or tag them in a post on Twitter. Sadly, this is the one way to bring light to the issue I know many experienced Seller are dying to have a “ban user” feature from their account. I know a sure would love one - I have some hateful buyers that I just want to “one and done” but they come back. Not everything is about the money - being talked down to and harassed is not worth it to me in my opinion.

I would just keep reporting the buyers for harassment and abuse, remind Customer Service this is a violation of Fiverr’s Terms Of Service, remind the buyer this is a violation.

Reference the policy buy quoting and linking the buyer (which I’ve personally done several times) and if that doesn’t straighten them up I would keep reporting them. I’d make sure to provide a screen shot that you’ve provided this to the buyer in a calm and professional way and let them deal with the buyer. When and if the buyer gets reported enough, they will get their account shut down. I’ve seen it happen.

Always have the Terms Of Service handy: “Posting or sending adult, illegal, rude, abusive, improper, copyright protected, promotional, spam, violent, nonsense or any uncool stuff is strictly prohibited. Doing so will get your account blocked permanently.” http://fiverr.com/terms_of_service

Hope this helps, and good luck sir! 🙂

Fiverr: Graphics, marketing, fun, and more online services for $5


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thepromogirl said: I would just keep reporting the buyers for harassment and abuse, remind Customer Service this is a violation of Fiverr's Terms Of Service, remind the buyer this is a violation.


But always reporting and reminding them becomes too tiring eventually, and the whole idea and beauty of Fiverr marketplace vanishes with all these actions..


I mean, instead of being creative and selling good work we are forced to constantly prepare ourselves to be harassed and report buyers and talk to CS.. how can one be creative and work well under these circumstances? :(

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This is an interesting tread. I am a newbie buyer who is testing Fiverr. I have used several other freelance sites and have hired people direct from Craigslist. What I do not understand is why you put up with Fiverr.

Fiverr would not survive if it lost its’ top Sellers. In most businesses 80% of revenue is generated by 20% of the producers. If the top 10% of the 20% of the top Sellers created a demand list of three to five changes, you would get Fiverrs attention.

While Fiverr is trying to figure out how to respond to the demands start registering and cultivating business from other sites. Focus your efforts where you are making the most money, with the least effort while dealing with Buyers who appreciate and value your talent, work, and you as a person. Fiverr would either become more responsive to top Sellers needs or would dry up as top Sellers shift their their talent to other sites.

Or, you could always start your own co-op where you make your own rules and police the Sellers and Buyers in a balanced manner.

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Reply to @ibizmentor:

Well, it could be that the TRS in this thread are busy. That is why they would be TRS!

That is also the main reason why I am here too.

For some reason, Fiverr attracts more people than other sites.

In my country, we have got ‘5 euro market’ types of sites.

I guess that is why we all stay here and, ‘put up with Fiverr’ or rather some buyers’ behaviour.

Everything that @Woofy said, is so familiar to me!

Sometimes these kinds of people come from one country, sometimes they come from the same forum. I have also had these kinds of buyers: they either ‘make mistakes’ while buying, or try to persuade you to work outside of Fiverr. And that is something that I would never do, because Fiverr does ensure that I get paid.

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Reply to @ibizmentor: this thread was meant for experienced sellers from Fiverr, which as you probably know don’t have much time to respond and that’s why the lack of response to your message 😉

Also, top Fiverr sellers won’t shift to other sites like you suggested, because they’ve spent too much time and effort to become top rated, not to mention that other similar businesses are probably not as big as Fiverr (according to Alexa’s ranking score), and people would rather come and buy on sites that sell very cheap stuff (i.e. $5) instead of freelancing sites that sell services with hundreds or thousands of dollars when you can easily get the same or better at just $5 in here 🙂 So we’re basically bound to Fiverr since we’ve put so much heart & soul in building our reputations & rating, and other marketplaces aren’t this cheap 🙂

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Woofy31 said: bring me cancellations almost all the time due to "misunderstandings" or "mistakes" (even though I clearly specified in my gigs' descriptions to be contacted first, but they never do that either - are gig descriptions invisible or something?! Gosh..)


Hi, I have these stuff sometimes, some of them are still there from last year... So, is it ok to ignore them? (since they don't really do anything there aside from remain being incomplete orders) Or do you think I should cancel those? But if I do it might have negative effects on my stats... Or if ignoring them doesn't do anything maybe you should do the same... I'm not sure, thanks!



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viser1000 said: Hi, I have these stuff sometimes, some of them are still there from last year... So, is it ok to ignore them? (since they don't really do anything there aside from remain being incomplete orders) Or do you think I should cancel those? But if I do it might have negative effects on my stats... Or if ignoring them doesn't do anything maybe you should do the same... I'm not sure, thanks!


Hello Viser1000,

This is slightly off topic, because this is not what Woofy asked in the first place, but I am able to provide you with a answer here. I suppose you are talking about incomplete orders that remain incomplete or rather never were started because the buyers does not provide any info at all or was totally unresponsive.

In my view, it is better to let those sit where they are or contact CS over those. If you cancel those, your cancellation rate will be affected. That is what happened to me a few weeks ago.


Meanwhile, Woofy was talking about people who take things a step furter. They do order, their orders are started, but then they start trolling!


Woofy was talking about purposely starting orders and subsequent trolling. Not about inadvertent behaviour.

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belgianwriter said: If you cancel those, your cancellation rate will be affected. That is what happened to me a few weeks ago

Seems like it, even though CS clearly said that cancelling incomplete orders won't have any effect over anything, and yet it does.. they either like to lie us, or they don't know their own rules :(


belgianwriter said: Woofy was talking about purposely starting orders and subsequent trolling

Thank you for keeping this thread on topic :) By the way, I had to suspend some of my gigs for getting too many trolls - this cannot continue like this, it's getting alarming :(



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I have had this experience and know which country you are referring to and the nature of some of it’s natives; not just here but on other sites as well.

My experience has thought me of a possibility which I raised.


  1. Your buyer is also a seller.
  2. The buyer receives and order (possibly out of FIVERR.com as well)
  3. He charters you to build the solution.
  4. He is okay with the solution but wants to make all the profit.
  5. So behave badly, demean your efforts, threaten to cancel and eventually send cancellation.
  6. You try to reason back and forth till you are fed up and cancel.
  7. He has the attachment, make modifications if necessary and sell to his buyer.
  8. Hopefully you don’t raise a ticket with FIVERR.com about this and they are in profit land.

    It’s a win win situation when they behave that way.

    Advise to other; report them by raising a ticket with FIVERR
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Reply to @tazflerts: yes, I’ve had some buyers matching your description exactly, but there are others who just behave badly and are being rude right from the start without even wanting my work and without wanting to resell my work…

That is why I believe sellers should have the option to accept/reject an order before it’s started.

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belgianwriter said: This is slightly off topic, because this is not what Woofy asked in the first place, but I am able to provide you with a answer here. I suppose you are talking about incomplete orders that remain incomplete or rather never were started because the buyers does not provide any info at all or was totally unresponsive.


Thanks for the advice, so this means I did right. :-)


I am aware of Woofy's problem, I just misread the part about the purposeful cancellations. I sometimes recieve messages about buyers mistakenly clicking the 'buy' option and they want to cancel it. Hopefully this problem will be resolved soon, what's happening to him is scary, good luck! :-)

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Before yesterday I had to stop my gig because I was getting orders (and cancellations) from that country, again… today when I resumed my gig, guess what: I keep getting orders from the exact same country, can’t understand myself with the respective buyers, etc etc. THIS IS GETTING ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS!!!

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I have also had people copy my gigs in an attempt to scam customers. Both of them that I found were also from just one country that I have had amazing pains with. Absolutely ridiculous indeed. When people scam me like it and steal my hard work it makes me lose credibility.

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Every day I wake up just to be beaten down over and over again by the same amount of stupidity, by buyers who constantly order by mistake or never read what they order and then decide to cancel, by buyers who treat me like a slave, by rude words and mistreatment falling down on me from all directions…

I treat everyone like they’re my equal, I’m being friendly with everyone, yet I rarely get that in return and instead get the opposite!

I always did everything to keep my family alive and healthy, but it looks like some higher power just doesn’t want me to do that since over this last year everything works against me all the time… Sometimes I wish I could just die already and get rid of all this noise of non-sense and stupidity…

I guess this thread can close now…

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Reply to @woofy31: This may be so but if you look at the facts, you are still on top. You are still a trs, you have a perfect rating and all your gigs (as I see on your profile) all have full stars. Would it be safe to say that apart from the cruel words you are actually unnafected by these? Sticks and stones, Woofy…

Maybe someone out there is trying to keep you down but maybe all you have to do is stand-up to them, return their words to them if you have to just to free yourself from this stress. Like "FRAGGLESROCK YOU FRAGGLESROCK WHATEVER BACKWATER COUNTRY IT IS YOU HAIL FROM YOU CAN TAKE OUT YOUR COLON AND USE IT AS A HAT YOU FRAGGLESROCK FRAGGLESROCK FRAGGLESROCK!"

Afterall you are still the trs who makes a ton of cash for yourself and your family. So what if some derisive fellows (or one with many faces) are out there trying to blow you out of focus? Think about it pal, you are your own master afterall…

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viser1000 said: Would it be safe to say that apart from the cruel words you are actually unnafected by these?

While it is true that my gigs are not affected by the cruel words and behavior I receive from buyers, my gigs are still affected by the alarmingly increasing number of 'mistaken' or negligent cancellations, slowly but for sure, and each cancellation practically brings me closer to losing my TRS badge and obviously sales, too :( I barely had sales while I wasn't a TRS, so I know that this would mean the end of the world for me & my family..


viser1000 said: stand-up to them, return their words to them if you have to just to free yourself from this stress

You wouldn't believe me how many times I wanted to do that, but it's against Fiverr's TOS, and that would mean the end of my job, period. That's why the stress is constantly building up, because I am not allowed to stand-up to them but just swallow everything that's thrown at me :(


viser1000 said: Afterall you are still the trs who makes a ton of cash for yourself and your family

Wish this was true, but in fact I barely make enough money for me and my family to survive from one day to the next as the costs in my country are way too high compared to our wages.. we don't have anything to live for except, well, to breath another day :( And even like this I still have to eat all that crap from these buyers every single hour of the day (oh, well, minus the 5 hours that I sleep and eat)




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