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Your English gig is contradicting itself. You state that the best way to learn is “the real-life language of the natives.” But you are not a native speaker, no matter how good your skill. Aside from that, you’re also implying you’ll give the lessons before the customer pays, which implies you’re not confident in your skill, and attracts scammers.


Your English gig is contradicting itself. You state that the best way to learn is “the real-life language of the natives.” But you are not a native speaker, no matter how good your skill. Aside from that, you’re also implying you’ll give the lessons before the customer pays, which implies you’re not confident in your skill, and attracts scammers.

implying you’ll give the lessons before the customer pays, which implies you’re not confident in your skill, and attracts scammers.

Very true. That’s a great way of explaining it.


Your English gig is contradicting itself. You state that the best way to learn is “the real-life language of the natives.” But you are not a native speaker, no matter how good your skill. Aside from that, you’re also implying you’ll give the lessons before the customer pays, which implies you’re not confident in your skill, and attracts scammers.

Thank you so much for helping me.

I have made some changes about the things you pointed out. Can you please check it again and what about other gigs, are they good.


Your gig for PowerPoint has unlimited revisions, none of the gigs define what a revision is, and you offer a money-back guarantee in your English gig. See (DES) point 1:

Introduction– This is not a list on how to make gigs. This is for gigs that are already made that are under-performing, need an overhaul, or just need somewhere to start for self-evaluation. It does contain a few general-information bits, and can help during gig creation, but that is neither the focus nor the intent. For more information on any of the following sections or points, please see ‘Other Resources’ under (RRD) at the end of this post. Sections: (TCT) Title, Category, and Tags (DE…

Some other points specific you your gigs:
(DES) points 3 and 5
(FAQ) point 5
(PRF) points 3 and 5


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