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Buyer Req Problem


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I always try to be active in five. After reaching level 1 I faced the buyer request problems. The old post come frequently rather than the new one. Im a little bit confused that I should apply a 1-day old post or not. (I already remove all the old post but still when I refreshed the page then 1-day old post showing)
Here Im attached right now searching post. In that post you can see today is Feb 3 but after refresh, buyer req showing Feb 2. Please help me with this. Oh, and also it’s showing active 23 which is actually wrong.!

attachment-20200202-1-a7w9qs-Problem1350×655 67.1 KB

The buyer request feature has been quite buggy recently. 😕

Maybe Fiverr will soon be able to get it working properly. We’ll see…

You could try responding to those day-old requests. Your success rate might be lower than usual, however, as many others will have already responded.

Sorry I don’t have a better answer.


The buyer request feature has been quite buggy recently. 😕

Maybe Fiverr will soon be able to get it working properly. We’ll see…

You could try responding to those day-old requests. Your success rate might be lower than usual, however, as many others will have already responded.

Sorry I don’t have a better answer.

Thank you Dear… You are a big support for me… Thank you


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