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Feel frustrated


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It’s been 10 days, I joined Fiverr. I’ve already created 2 gigs under different subcategories. One is Business - Data Entry(for typing jobs mainly) & the other is under Business - Virtual Assistant (file convert). I hardly see buyers request. I’ve gone through about buyers request topic on this platform. What makes me feel frustrated is - am I selling products those don’t have any costumer? Nobody’s posting jobs under those niches? Views, impressions and clicks suggest people watching my gigs. Somehow I fail to get any order. Suggest me what I should do.


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It’s been 10 days, I joined Fiverr. I’ve already created 2 gigs under different subcategories. One is Business - Data Entry(for typing jobs mainly) & the other is under Business - Virtual Assistant (file convert). I hardly see buyers request. I’ve gone through about buyers request topic on this platform. What makes me feel frustrated is - am I selling products those don’t have any costumer? Nobody’s posting jobs under those niches? Views, impressions and clicks suggest people watching my gigs. Somehow I fail to get any order. Suggest me what I should do.



Offer free services to start. Then when you have a competitive number completed in your field and good ratings, then charge.

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Offer free services to start. Then when you have a competitive number completed in your field and good ratings, then charge.

Offer free services to start

Omg. Did you even read fiverr TOS? It’s clearly said there that the MINIMUM price you can put on your gigs is 5$, not zero $, and not for free. For free wouldn’t bring him any reviews.

@digimen43 you know what’s the thing, I never though to be be frustrated on day 10. On day 10 you are just starting and still should be taking actions to set up yourself as a freelancer which include a lot of different things like learning, marketing, market research, platforms research, target audience, adjusting your services based on demand and market etc etc.

If you will just sit and wait then of course you will be frustrated.

For most businesses it takes around a year before they start getting steady monthly income. And freelancing is not for everyone because you need to stay motivated even if you don’t have any sales and use that time to the things I described above.

No one here will be able to give you a formula or complete instructions what to do. It’s all up to you.

The most we can help you with is to check your gig and tell you if something seems off. And for that you need to post your link in “improve my gigs” category

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Guest webbattalion

okay! the thing you can do this promote you gig on social medias. Promote your gig in niche related group. It will help you increase your impressions, views and clicks. Since your account is new try to provide your service at cheap price 🙂

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It’s been 10 days, I joined Fiverr. I’ve already created 2 gigs under different subcategories. One is Business - Data Entry(for typing jobs mainly) & the other is under Business - Virtual Assistant (file convert). I hardly see buyers request. I’ve gone through about buyers request topic on this platform. What makes me feel frustrated is - am I selling products those don’t have any costumer? Nobody’s posting jobs under those niches? Views, impressions and clicks suggest people watching my gigs. Somehow I fail to get any order. Suggest me what I should do.


What makes me feel frustrated is - am I selling products those don’t have any costumer? Nobody’s posting jobs under those niches?

Suggest me what I should do.

You’ve pretty much answered your own question. Sell something else. If there is no market fir what you are offering, you are not going to do yourself any favors by getting frustrated.

Offer free services to start.

Stupid advice. You don’t get ratings for completing free work and this isn’t allowed. Never advise anyone to do this. There is no way this strategy can ever be effective.

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What makes me feel frustrated is - am I selling products those don’t have any costumer? Nobody’s posting jobs under those niches?

Suggest me what I should do.

You’ve pretty much answered your own question. Sell something else. If there is no market fir what you are offering, you are not going to do yourself any favors by getting frustrated.

Offer free services to start.

Stupid advice. You don’t get ratings for completing free work and this isn’t allowed. Never advise anyone to do this. There is no way this strategy can ever be effective.

Sorry, I just joined today. Shouldn’t have opened my mouth. In a different platform where there isn’t a $5 min, I would think my advice is with it in the long run given you have the time, energy etc. To put out a bit of free services. Thanks for catching my mistake. 👍

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Offer free services to start

Omg. Did you even read fiverr TOS? It’s clearly said there that the MINIMUM price you can put on your gigs is 5$, not zero $, and not for free. For free wouldn’t bring him any reviews.

@digimen43 you know what’s the thing, I never though to be be frustrated on day 10. On day 10 you are just starting and still should be taking actions to set up yourself as a freelancer which include a lot of different things like learning, marketing, market research, platforms research, target audience, adjusting your services based on demand and market etc etc.

If you will just sit and wait then of course you will be frustrated.

For most businesses it takes around a year before they start getting steady monthly income. And freelancing is not for everyone because you need to stay motivated even if you don’t have any sales and use that time to the things I described above.

No one here will be able to give you a formula or complete instructions what to do. It’s all up to you.

The most we can help you with is to check your gig and tell you if something seems off. And for that you need to post your link in “improve my gigs” category

Sorry, I just joined today. Shouldn’t have opened my mouth. In a different platform where there isn’t a $5 min, I would think my advice is with it in the long run given you have the time, energy etc. To put out a bit of free services. Thanks for catching my mistake. 👍

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  • 2 weeks later...

I managed to complete my first order. I guess everyone feels almost same on first step towards success.
I feel frustrated cause there’s nothing happening. Now I am able to see buyers requests and sending offers to them. What I can say the cogs are moving.
@mariashtelle1 and the rests thanks for showing the correct path. I’m going to look into it and rectify my strategies.

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