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I OD'ed on Fiverr today! :P


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Hey Fiverrites,

I’ve been wanting to get a running tally of how often sellers here OD (Over-Deliver) on Fiverr. I know that I try to make it a consistent habit on all my gigs and it helps keep business coming for me. I’m posting this thread as a place where sellers can come and post their experience with OD’ing, there issues with OD’ing and/or even just to post something like “Hey I just OD’ed on Fiverr!”.

It will be a great way to help people see how often Fiverr sellers are OD’ing and maybe will give a place for newer sellers to get tips for OD’ing to help their sales.

Anyway, I’ll tyr to post here when I OD, which should be on a daily basis unless there’s just no interest. Then I’ll propably let this thread slip into the bottomless thread grave. (lol)

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OD’ing can be the tiniest things. I’ve just done transcripts for someone of a set of 20 short YouTube videos - and instead of just putting them all in one document, or doing 20 separate tiny Word documents, I’ve transcribed one per page and bookmarked each one, then hyperlinked them on the first page so the buyer can just jump to whichever one they want. I’m about to do a set of about 50 or so tiny video testimonials on YouTube, and I’ll do the same thing. There’s always a new way to over-deliver and improve your service - a Fiverr seller’s work is never done!

Plus, I’d say 90%+ buyers take note of your over-delivery and thank you for it - hopefully in your feedback too.

Here’s to OD’ing (that’s hopefully over-delivering, not overdosing - apart from on happiness).

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Guest tn5rr2012

I OD’ed last night and lived to tell about it. I delivered someone a family tree chart that had 14 genertations on it advised them they they are directly related to Horace Greeley.

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Okay, I just OD’ed 2 more times with a super-special OD bonus for one buyer. I sell tweets from multiple twitter accounts so people love to advertise with my gigs. This buyer was advertising for her online store business. I ended up finding several items in her store that I bought as gifts so she got sales from me and whatever sales she got from my tweets. Win - Win! 😃

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