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I got order and later the buyer said the problem was already solved by his friend

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I got and order and login details too. When I started to work I saw that someone else is also doing that work. I did stop there and told this thing to the buyer but he never replied. So, I did not want to get blamed for thins if some thing went wrong.

I even contact CS and told them to cancel order because buyer is not responding, I thought if CS cancels order it will not affect my rating becase if 1 order is cancelled my completion rate will get 50% because I Have just 3 orders in last 60 days.

Now buyer replied and said problem was solved by his friend.

In this scenario what shall I do? I did tell buyer that I can’t afford to cancel order but now again they not responding and just 12 hours left to delivery

Guest hanshuber16

I mean, if I were you, I don’t think I would have requested CS to cancel the order as there’s no guarantee that the order cancellation % wouldn’t be affected. Asking CS to cancel the order would have been my last resort. All you can do now, in my opinion, is to wait for CS’s response and see what they suggest. :thinking:


I mean, if I were you, I don’t think I would have requested CS to cancel the order as there’s no guarantee that the order cancellation % wouldn’t be affected. Asking CS to cancel the order would have been my last resort. All you can do now, in my opinion, is to wait for CS’s response and see what they suggest. :thinking:

as there’s no guarantee that the order cancellation % wouldn’t be affected

It has happened to me with 2 order where there was no mistake from my side CS cancelled the order they did say it will affect you rating but in real stats it did not my completion rate never even went 1% down so from that experience I am saying the same.

All you can do now, in my opinion, is to wait for CS’s response and see what they suggest.

I am waiting but they never reply fast and I don’t want to like get a later order delivery thing + then afford a canceltion.I would have easily canclled it but issue is from last 60 days I hardly got some orders so my completion rate will decrease as hell when evaluation will come my rate will be 50%


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