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Seller Scams


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As I type this message the event is currently happening. I am a good buyer who doesn’t take advantage of anyone here on fiverr or anywhere else for the matter. I recently bought a gig from “Fragglesrock” to have my idea of a movie made into a script, his/her page says “7 days max for 5 pages”, the closer it got to the date he/she began making excuses like “sorry I had a cold” and “I’ve been working on set, so I don’t a lot of time but I’ll get it done on time”, well the last message I got from him/her was “No worries, will I get credit for the movie and I have 4 pages done so give me 2 hours” that was Friday Nov. 22 which was the due date. Well here it is the 25th, and still no script! Now I feel like this person thinks he/she is going to steal my idea but what he doesn’t know is I am a publisher and the movie has been copy written over a year ago. Anyhow, I haven’t ended the gig because I want to leave him/her a nasty review for the worst customer service! and I pray that no one else uses that gig again! Now on the flip side I’ve order maybe almost 10-12 gigs on here some have been great! and some have been so so, but I always let one redeem themselves if I wasn’t happy with the turn out, I know that sometimes one doesn’t understand exactly what you want the way it’s in your head 🙂 Anywho, thank you for reading and stay tuned for what happens with this current gig.

Sheriff’s note: Seller’s name removed per forum rules of not calling out sellers or buyers

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I’m not sure I understand.

If you’re a producer… or anyone in the industry why would you get someone from Fiverr to write your script? And without a script how could you secure the rights to it?

As for the gig itself… 7 days for 5 pages? 5 pages of a normal script usually amounts to under 1 page of typing.

I feel for you about the gig. Sounds like this person is a scammer. But I just don’t understand the logistics of what you’re saying. Protecting your script costs around 1000 bucks. But you need to have a finished script in order to purchase it. You can’t patent a script idea. That’s not how the industry works. You need a script.

It’s kind of like me coming up with an idea… “A man walks into a store”. You can’t do that. You need a completed script in order to apply/purchase the rights for it. You can’t patent the rights for an idea because having an idea is free and anyone can do it. You need to have a completed script. So why would you be buying a script on Fiverr if you have it. Even thought the seller in question sounds like a scammer.

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@cheezees - I actually finished my own first ‘Real’ script early summer. I’ve been in the film industry for years but mainly working for other people. Video editing/effects and promotion. I’ve done everything from feature films, TV shows to Youtube videos. 70% Independent stuff though. But ya. Finished my first script and learned the in/outs when I went to get funding for the film. Before anyone would even consider funding my project I had to register the script. And, when I started looking into actual funding I only had an outline. So, in order to register I had to complete the full script. Then pay. It cost around $1200 bucks when you factor in the Lawyer fees. But the actual registration was just under 800 bucks. Basically, I’ve been using Fiverr to help fund my first feature film. LOL

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@bigbadbilly, there is a way to protect your idea for only a few dollars, and please don’t try to entertain me with your knowledge of copyrights, I’ve been doing copyrights for over 30 years, as far as you not understanding why I utilized Fiverr for the script, maybe because I don’t do movies, I only do magazines so why not try it?? No harm in that right? Right. Why ask why I used the service anyhow, I mean that’s irrelevant to the point oO!!

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@sharonblue - I’m not trying to entertain you with anything. You yourself said you work in music, and a magazine. I work in film and have for about 10-12 years. I know how the industry works with regards to script protection.

As for a cheap way to patent your ideas… There is none to do it legally. That I know of. And again. I’ve been working with Lawyers for a while now. If you;re thinking of the old ‘Mail it to yourself’ or poor mans patent. That’s a myth that doesn’t hold up in court.


I answered your question and then I asked one. You were talking about film. I know about film. There was no disrespect intended. And I don’t deserve any back.

sharonblue said: Reply to @bigbadbilly: who Cares!!!! That's not the fricken Point!

I was actually answering the question from the person who posted above.

I also said the person you got the gig from sounds like a scammer. And man. You jump down my throat.
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I have an idea for a script; There is this person who perpetuates an understanding of full fledged industries; surviving solely on buzz-words and and fantastical self absorption. They meet an equally disingenuous person, fatuously, suffering from the same illness- wherein the victim mistakes reading about something for having actual knowledge of it. The two undergo a comedy of errors… any interest in a story like that?

Without exception a "concept"cannot be protected without a treatment.

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@damooch916 - Thanks for repeating what I said in my initial post. In a very cleverly cloaked post…

However, a treatment has nothing to do with registering a script. A treatment is mainly used when you’re pitching a script. And in order to pitch the script, it ‘Should’ be registered. You can pitch an unregistered script if you want but you won’t have the protection. As for the rest of your message. Well… If one of the characters in your script is based on me than… Yo got it. Guilty as charged. I’m completely self absorbed. Thanks for noticing! 🙂

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@bigbadbilly: My thin cloak was specifically designed so that you may see through it Bill. But only you…I wouldn’t want you to think me a floozy.

I read (immediately after reading this thread) that a treatment could stand in place of the completed document if it contained basic arch’s. However, in this instance, I was suggesting that the possibility of copyrighting something without copy was false and that- in the very least-one would have to get passed the index phase.

But what do I know…I’m but a lowly musician (have you heard this one before?).

No- my completely fictitious story wasn’t about you. It’s a tragedy/comedy about self awareness. If you looked a the top of this thread (and if the story weren’t blatantly false as fiverr would insist that I maintain) you may find the inspiration of my characters.

It is ironic , however , that you accused me-of accusing you- of being self absorbed-while thinking you were the topic of my diatribe. I like that feature in a person. This may be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Or it could just be gas.

Now…if I could just find someone to write seven pages of this idea in script form (for five dollars) I think we may be onto something.

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LOL. It really could be the start of a great relationship. 🙂

At one time, I was under the same assumption regarding a treatment. A lot of people are. But it’s not.

The best way to say this would be…

How many Movies/Shows have very similar plots or scenes. A good example would be: A man walks into a bank and shoots the teller.

A treatment for 5 different movies/shows would contain basically the same arc. That’s why only a completed script will do.

Even then, to be honest it’s a judges call. I’ve seen one messy case involving Independent films with virtually the same script. Even though it wasn’t copied. The two writers didn’t even know of each other. It was messy, and really hard to prove anything.

As for “Me thinking your potential script was about me”… Well. What can I say. I wasn’t being sarcastic. I really am self absorbed.

And… On a personal note. I know a few lowly musicians. They’re all pretty cool. It’s kind of like a badge of honor. They say that all the best musicians are lowly, broke ones.

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bought a gig but I don’t see the work any where on my adsense site and fiver sent me mail saying gig delivered but I don’t see it on my adsense site who do I contact. also purchased a gig yesterday and seller is asking for more money this is crazy the gig says 5 dollars ok who is scamming me in this matter also the seller wants me to get hosting and then he wants me to share the site I am paying for whats up with this madness ooh I and upset.girlfriend tell it like it is I applaud you

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I agree about 95% with bigbadbilly, who really seems to know what he’s talking about. I’m a professional writer and editor–but books and magazines, not movies–and found his information useful. I can tell you that in books and magazines, concepts (proposals, pitches) are a dime a dozen. It all depends on the execution–the actual writing.

Example: I edit a magazine dealing with physical therapy. There are a couple of other magazines also targeted at physical therapists. After the Boston Marathon bombings, we decided to do an article on the role of physical therapists during and after the bombings. One of our competitors did the same. We had virtually the same concept. But the two articles turned out quite differently. We’re going to be running an article on physical therapists at the 2014 Olympics in Sochi. I’m almost positive our competition will, too. And that’s OK. I’m sure our articles will be substantially different.

When it comes to fiction–whether in books, magazines, television, or movies–there are a limited number of basic plots. The real question is the precise spins applied, and how the concept is executed.

As for the seller in sharonblue’s case, I don’t know if that was a scam or not. It’s possible that the writer just was busy with other things. And, OK, it’s possible it was a scam…though my gut tells me it probably wasn’t. And I really doubt that the seller’s intent was to steal sharonblue’s concept.

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