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What are your most effective marketing methods?

Guest mistrizone

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Guest tristanphillips

Hello fellow fiverr forum members. Check out my “case study” on what I found effective for my GiGs

Thanx 4 reading

Sheriff’s Note: Place Your Self Promotion in the MYFIVERR GIGS section. Do not hi-jack topics.

Fiverr: Graphics, marketing, fun, and more online services for $5


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I’m using my real-life skills to increase my orders.

When I started Fiverr, I was just using it as an extension of a side business that I run in real life (making buttons for bands).

My passion is writing. I have a degree in writing from NYU. I spend 5-6 hours a day blogging for various sites. I’ve gone from an order a week to an order every four hours.

I under promise and over deliver. I sell 500 word articles, but I typically end up giving 550-800 word articles because I become so engrossed in the process.

I’m going to toy around with Facebook PPC ads to see what happens, but I’m running a 20% conversion rate right now, which is awesome.

I’m trying to make Fiverr my full-time gig.



Sheriff’s Note: Off Fiverr links are not allowed.

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Do something you love first, go out of your way to keep your customers happy, and do it again…Best marketing machine ever!

Exposure doesn’t hurt. I’m starting to get more traction now - it seems you have to find your sweet spot on Fiverr something unique that you do very well that has a high demand.

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Reply to @proreviews: I agree with you. But I also have another idea. The best promotion you can make to yourself is to be nice to your customers and deliver high quality all the time. They will sure come back to buy again from you. And the simplest way to receive a feedback is to simply ask for it.

Best regards,


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There are many methods to promote your fiverr gig, online as well as offline but first of all make sure that your gig description is understandable to people visiting your site.

As a online marketing company, we have seen a lot of gigs that do not make sense, they are not grab the person who is visiting, you need to grab their attention within the first ten seconds.

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From my own experience. I created my first discussion yesterday. Where I was just saying about how my first work experience went in fiverr. And since then I have 6 potential buyers. I didn’t spam anywhere or didn’t even forced my link anywhere…

So I think a fair participation on the forum can help a lot. Maybe not enough to make many dollars. But good enough to start bold and bright. -

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Guest article_real

Good question, just market your gigs to the right audience using the power of social media like facebook. search for groups on facebook that contains people that your service may benefit. join as many groups as you can and drop comments relating to your gigs.

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