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Words search in inbox

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Through my story you will understand the need for inbox searching:
A buyer asked me to check something, which took me about 8 days to check and test.
The problem is, I forgot to note to myself the username of this buyer, probably thinking at the time that I will remember who asked me and how to get back with him.
Then, after 8 days I realized I do not remember his/her nickname, so I started to sift through all of my conversations from the past 2 weeks, but I still couldn’t find it, so either I missed it among the thousands of words and sentences, or somehow the seller has vanished in the move to the New Inbox and the conversation is not recorded.

It is too bad there is no way to search through all of my conversations.
We can only search by username, but it is not so useful as searching for a specific phrase or word in the whole inbox.

So, this is the next developing challenge for fiverr development staff, please let us search inside inbox conversations.

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I am usually positive in all of my posts but this is inexcusably dumb.

The developers/management team took away our ability to search through our messages. This is useful for so many reasons that it wouldn’t make sense to list them all.

What is up with Fiverr lately. It’s like you don’t want us to be successful.

I feel like a racehorse. Your whipping my saying, “faster, faster!” while pulling back on my reins the entire time.


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On 7/31/2018 at 6:48 PM, tomeaexpert said:

Through my story you will understand the need for inbox searching:
A buyer asked me to check something, which took me about 8 days to check and test.
The problem is, I forgot to note to myself the username of this buyer, probably thinking at the time that I will remember who asked me and how to get back with him.
Then, after 8 days I realized I do not remember his/her nickname, so I started to sift through all of my conversations from the past 2 weeks, but I still couldn’t find it, so either I missed it among the thousands of words and sentences, or somehow the seller has vanished in the move to the New Inbox and the conversation is not recorded.

It is too bad there is no way to search through all of my conversations.
We can only search by username, but it is not so useful as searching for a specific phrase or word in the whole inbox.

So, this is the next developing challenge for fiverr development staff, please let us search inside inbox conversation

On 7/31/2018 at 6:48 PM, tomeaexpert said:

Through my story you will understand the need for inbox searching:
A buyer asked me to check something, which took me about 8 days to check and test.
The problem is, I forgot to note to myself the username of this buyer, probably thinking at the time that I will remember who asked me and how to get back with him.
Then, after 8 days I realized I do not remember his/her nickname, so I started to sift through all of my conversations from the past 2 weeks, but I still couldn’t find it, so either I missed it among the thousands of words and sentences, or somehow the seller has vanished in the move to the New Inbox and the conversation is not recorded.

It is too bad there is no way to search through all of my conversations.
We can only search by username, but it is not so useful as searching for a specific phrase or word in the whole inbox.

So, this is the next developing challenge for fiverr development staff, please let us search inside inbox conversations.

You can use labels 🏷 

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  • 5 weeks later...

Always these huge companies do not give a hoot about the customers. Look at this thread it’s almost 4 years you guys pointing this out and still hasn’t been fixed .   
i just came across this thread. 
I agree it’s 2022 this feature should have been always available , We can do it in upwork easily .   For developers I would say this is just a push of a button, it should be easily accomplished given that they have a search there but only the name of the seller that’s sooooo stupid !!! I need this feature all the time !!! So frustrating!

Edited by sgotesman
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