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First Dissatisfied Customer - Advice?


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He can’t leave a feedback until you deliver the revision, even tho Mike suggested that you state “This order is now complete.” he might find that harsh and challenging and end up leaving a negative feedback even if the revision was good.

Well, I just delivered a revision containing no fewer than 10 suggested new titles for his auction, based on keywords used by his top 10 competitors. We’ll see how long it takes him to tear me to bits. Oh well, I did my best.

Thanks everyone for your helpful comments!

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“Orders are not eligible to be cancelled based on the quality of service/materials delivered by the seller if the service was rendered as described in the Gig page. Buyers may rate their experience with the seller on the order page, including the overall level of service quality received.”

I used to believed in that. One of my gigs even said “satisfaction is not guaranteed,” and what did it get me? My ratings fell, I got demoted. I lost everything I built and hit rock bottom.

Now I have a different attitude. Now client satisfaction is #1, and if I can’t satisfy, I refund.

It’s a math game, 4.8 > 90%. It took me a long time to go from 4.7 to 4.9, ironically, now I’m at 88% so I can’t really afford to refund, but once I’m at 91%+, I’ll be safe. No more demotions, no more loses.

Fiverr wants quality, not quantity. The old model of “get as many orders as possible so you can make as much money as possible” doesn’t work anymore.

I’m just saying Fiverr changed the game and we have no choice but to adapt.

Fiverr wants quality, not quantity. The old model of “get as many orders as possible so you can make as much money as possible” doesn’t work anymore.

Or… maybe this is part of Fiverr’s push to have good sellers charge more.

Fewer orders, but higher prices. That sounds like a quality move to me. 😉

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Fiverr wants quality, not quantity. The old model of “get as many orders as possible so you can make as much money as possible” doesn’t work anymore.

Or… maybe this is part of Fiverr’s push to have good sellers charge more.

Fewer orders, but higher prices. That sounds like a quality move to me. 😉

Fewer orders, but higher prices. That sounds like a quality move to me.

Not to me. Higher prices are great for the guy writing 200 pages, the graphic designer doing an entire website, and others who are willing to do jobs that take many hours.

Not everyone works like that. I don’t want to proofread more than 1,000 words, I don’t need to write 10 e-mails for one client. It’s not my cup of tea. Even with brand names, I’ve discovered it’s more fun to write 5 for $10 than 10 for $10 or 10 for $30, depending on domains/trademarks, etc. I keep it simple on purpose, that way there won’t be drama if someone wants a refund.

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