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No order ? Can any one help?


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Guest lloydsolutions

Take time to read through the forum and you will find lots of tips. Also you need to be patient. Some sellers take months to get their first order. Good luck! 🙂

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i have been creating more and more gigs but not any single order yet !

i have been creating more and more gigs but not any single order yet !

More gigs do not guarantee sales. Have you considered marketing and promoting your gigs to the people who need your services?

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i have been creating more and more gigs but not any single order yet !

i have been creating more and more gigs but not any single order yet !

Well, this depend on your gig’s quality and promotion. I guess you need to show it to the public using social network and so on. Good luck!

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Five or six of your gigs basically offer the same work under different names/images. That won’t multiply your orders by 5 or 6. Try keeping one gig for logo designing, study the market and try to offer the best services for the best prices. Add a portfolio if you have previous work to show (You should, you’re saying that you have 6 years… or 8… of experience). If not and you don’t have any ideas, ask your friends and family to request you a logo design (for free) and work for the logos like they are actual orders. That’ll help potential buyers see what you can offer, and probably boost your sales.
Good luck!

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Guest sha_innovator

You should go to buyer request option and send the offers on daily basis as well as promote your Gigs.The important thing is to polish your portfolio.
Good luck

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