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Do you guys still use the "Old Fiverr?"


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How many of you still use the “Old Fiverr” primarily over V2? I’m just curious because I find it is much easier to deliver gigs using the old version. I end up just staying with the old version and only switch to V2 once a week or so. I like not having to constantly clear notifications from the top of the page and I like the organization and ease of use of the old version.

So, let’s hear it. Who is still Fiver Old School??


How many of you still use the “Old Fiverr” primarily over V2? I’m just curious because I find it is much easier to deliver gigs using the old version. I end up just staying with the old version and only switch to V2 once a week or so. I like not having to constantly clear notifications from the top of the page and I like the organization and ease of use of the old version.

So, let’s hear it. Who is still Fiver Old School??

Guest marsch001

I use it sometimes because I like the way orders look, the page of it. It is much clearer and easy too see. I haven’t fully switched to it though, but instead switch to it if I am annoyed at something in V2, but then switch back again. This is mainly because as much as the notifications annoy me, I do need the to do list.


I must be old fashioned. I use the old Fiverr interface exclusively.

Only time I end up on the new Fiverr is when I am logged out and the link I have in my favorites takes me to the new page to log in. As soon as I am logged in, I switch to the old site.

I just like the format better.



Ok good, I’m glad to see I’m not the only one. For those who only use V2, do you work only on your computers or do you deliver orders from your phone as well?


I absolutely prefer the original fiverr and resent it to the point I will most likely be leaving. The resentment is I just received the old fiverr will be taken down soon and if I do not move to the new V2 version then I am out of luck.

How dare fiverr to be so arrogant!!! It is like the state saying if you do not like our ideas, we will make it law and fine you for not agreeing with us!!!


I’ve switched over completely. I was going back and forth for awhile because old Fiverr let me click on “conversations” with a buyer from the order page. Where is that feature in V2? I need it!

Guest marsch001

Reply to @fayestap: You can do it in the new version, at the bottom - you click on the name. Unless you mean something else?


I still use the old version for most things, including delivering my orders.

I know it will be gone soon, so I’m trying to ease myself into the new version. After all this time, I still find the new version very clunky, and NOT user friendly at all.

It does look nice though.

I think, for sellers who sell a lot of gigs, the new Fiverr is a nightmare. If you’re only selling a few gigs here and there it’s great. But, like I said. Once you start doing some volume sales on Fiverr, the new version is completely un-user friendly.

Maybe, probably, it was designed for people who sell an ‘Average’ number of gigs per week. But once you start getting 15-30 gigs, 7 days a week it is NOT easy. At all.

And, I’m not new to using V.2. I’ve been easing my way into it since they announced and put it up for beta.


I used to go back to the old version at the beginning as it would allow me to offer my Gigs to an unlimited number of requests. The new version, very often doesn’t select the Gig that would match a request, or a request that would perfectly match one of my Gig, it would not get it for me. I guess it has something to do with my tags. Can someone give me an idea here? ^:)^

  • 4 years later...
Guest l562ucian

how can i access the old fiverr on pc? plz answer, i miss it so much, it was so lovely


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