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What are your thoughts on the new Fiverr feature: Fiverr PRO?

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Hi there,

I was wondering what are your thoughts about the new Fiverr feature: Fiverr PRO.

At first glance, I don’t like it much since I already have difficulty reaching the Top Rated Seller status.
I’m afraid this new feature will only make it harder for me to get more, better sales.

Thanks for sharing.


(We are doomed)

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I looked at the application form.

Fiverr is just looking for people to promote their service. They are only selecting people who have a ton of social media follows or are an influencer.

The only ‘professional platforms’ they accept are social media websites. You can’t say you have your own website or anything. If you are a real pro, you would have your own website. Fact.

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I looked at the application form.

Fiverr is just looking for people to promote their service. They are only selecting people who have a ton of social media follows or are an influencer.

The only ‘professional platforms’ they accept are social media websites. You can’t say you have your own website or anything. If you are a real pro, you would have your own website. Fact.

Ummm I don’t remember the application form by heart, as it has been a while since I applied, but it was pretty extensive.

I had to provide proof that I worked on some pretty kick-ass projects to be considered.

they asked for my facebook for verification I’m guessing.

Not really sure that they are asking for SM links to see how much of a pro you are.

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Ummm I don’t remember the application form by heart, as it has been a while since I applied, but it was pretty extensive.

I had to provide proof that I worked on some pretty kick-ass projects to be considered.

they asked for my facebook for verification I’m guessing.

Not really sure that they are asking for SM links to see how much of a pro you are.

The second page was originally not loading 🙂

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Ummm I don’t remember the application form by heart, as it has been a while since I applied, but it was pretty extensive.

I had to provide proof that I worked on some pretty kick-ass projects to be considered.

they asked for my facebook for verification I’m guessing.

Not really sure that they are asking for SM links to see how much of a pro you are.

er the application form by heart, as it has been a while since I applied, but it was pretty extensive.

That’s the problem. I’m not good enough to compete with the big guys out there (same as most working here).

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er the application form by heart, as it has been a while since I applied, but it was pretty extensive.

That’s the problem. I’m not good enough to compete with the big guys out there (same as most working here).

when I first started out, I could barely open up after effects (the program I still use now to design and animate) and used the most basic of tools with difficulty.

I did my work. Stayed up countless nights, got the basics down pat, and then moved on to actually studying everything I needed to in order to progress.

I’m sorry but “I’m not good enough” sounds like something you need to work on. Not an excuse.

This is a competitive marketplace. The entire world is going after your prospects.

So your best bet is to find what’s stopping you to become better at what you do, and deal with that ASAP.

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The second page was originally not loading 🙂

to be fair, I just took a look at the form, and it’s COMPLETELY different than the one I filled out a while back myself.

I really don’t like the social media page either.

Not really sure why they added that.

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when I first started out, I could barely open up after effects (the program I still use now to design and animate) and used the most basic of tools with difficulty.

I did my work. Stayed up countless nights, got the basics down pat, and then moved on to actually studying everything I needed to in order to progress.

I’m sorry but “I’m not good enough” sounds like something you need to work on. Not an excuse.

This is a competitive marketplace. The entire world is going after your prospects.

So your best bet is to find what’s stopping you to become better at what you do, and deal with that ASAP.

Some good points, but let me put in my thoughts. First, your circumstances may be different then others. You don’t know if their health , family, taking care of newborn or other situations in their life that may be different then yours. So it may not be an excuse but doing the best they can.

Isn’t AE expensive or is it part of Adobe cloud. Either way, not all can afford - maybe some day, but not all.

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Some good points, but let me put in my thoughts. First, your circumstances may be different then others. You don’t know if their health , family, taking care of newborn or other situations in their life that may be different then yours. So it may not be an excuse but doing the best they can.

Isn’t AE expensive or is it part of Adobe cloud. Either way, not all can afford - maybe some day, but not all.

I enrolled in a really hard and expensive animation course, not 3 days after my baby-girl was born.

I chose that over sleep, and that ultimately turned me into a zombie for 4 months (full onlive course + my gigs + helping my wife = 0 sleep)

I do agree not everyone has the same baseline.

my main difference to anyone else? I sacrificed more.

When I first started out I was broke, I kid you not, and used a pirated version of AE for a few months. But the minute I booked my first couple of gigs, I subscribed to the service.

So yeah, I could have stopped right then and there by saying: “it’s too expensive”.

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In fact this is the Fiverr version that is not the home for tire kickers and luck seekers on both sides of the aisle, what imo is a good step. If you go through the gigs you see that there is the more serious, more ‘industrial’ work there. A logo design for $2.500,- instead of the usual $5,- with unlimited revisions within 8 hours, done by somebody telling you to be a pro and at the same time asking how to “mek sell”. (Sorry, I can’t stop to be a ***** on this).

It is not appealing to me personally, because I have a business that makes me a living and I don’t feel much for sharing my income with a third party. It’s already enough that tax hyenas steal a big chunk.

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I enrolled in a really hard and expensive animation course, not 3 days after my baby-girl was born.

I chose that over sleep, and that ultimately turned me into a zombie for 4 months (full onlive course + my gigs + helping my wife = 0 sleep)

I do agree not everyone has the same baseline.

my main difference to anyone else? I sacrificed more.

When I first started out I was broke, I kid you not, and used a pirated version of AE for a few months. But the minute I booked my first couple of gigs, I subscribed to the service.

So yeah, I could have stopped right then and there by saying: “it’s too expensive”.

Hmmm, I guess that is the difference: I won’t use pirated software (isn’t that considered theft), at least not intentionally. Not sure what country you are from but if you are caught in the U.S, the fines can be steep. Ok…good luck.

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Hmmm, I guess that is the difference: I won’t use pirated software (isn’t that considered theft), at least not intentionally. Not sure what country you are from but if you are caught in the U.S, the fines can be steep. Ok…good luck.

Oh that’s your take from all of this? Thank you for being condescending and for trying to grab onto something I said to take my argument down.

OK. I just took a look at your gigs, and I figured out why you are all defensive.

That’s OK. 🙂

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I like the idea and remember discussing this and endorsing the idea some time back - Premium gigs starting $500+

However, I think the Pro gig description page needs to be better. I have looked through a lot of the gigs and the descriptions are basically “same old, same old” stuff. There is nothing in the descriptions to justify the extra 00s aside from the “verified by Fiverr” badge but (respectfully) who knows what that means? Most don’t have portfolios to view.
I am sure most, if not all of the gigs are justified in their pricing but I cannot see it, and if I can’t then buyers can’t either.
This needs to change or else the only thing that Pro will do is make everyone else seem exceptionally low priced

Actually, that might not be a bad thing for buyers to see…

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Guest uxreview

My category is not on the list so I’ll have to wait and see, but as a buyer I welcome this. It’s about time for Fiverr to implement some kind of vetting process. There’s no proof yet how effective it will be, but if Fiverr can do some basic background check for me then I’d be happy to hire their PRO’s 🙂

I’m getting sick and tired researching if a seller has created their own logos or stolen it from somewhere else.

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Oh that’s your take from all of this? Thank you for being condescending and for trying to grab onto something I said to take my argument down.

OK. I just took a look at your gigs, and I figured out why you are all defensive.

That’s OK. 🙂

I’m not being defensive…just honest…If saying I won’t use pirated software is condescending so be it. My gigs are all 5 stars so not sure what you are talking about. . I’ll let you brag on yourself while putting others down. Last Remark from me…good luck on your Pro file.

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I’m not being defensive…just honest…If saying I won’t use pirated software is condescending so be it. My gigs are all 5 stars so not sure what you are talking about. . I’ll let you brag on yourself while putting others down. Last Remark from me…good luck on your Pro file.

Sure, sure.

OK. Thanks! Best of luck to ya! 🙂

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when I first started out, I could barely open up after effects (the program I still use now to design and animate) and used the most basic of tools with difficulty.

I did my work. Stayed up countless nights, got the basics down pat, and then moved on to actually studying everything I needed to in order to progress.

I’m sorry but “I’m not good enough” sounds like something you need to work on. Not an excuse.

This is a competitive marketplace. The entire world is going after your prospects.

So your best bet is to find what’s stopping you to become better at what you do, and deal with that ASAP.

Did you study by yourself or actually go to some AE classes?

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First thought: It’s great. A chance to separate those who do exceptional work from the rest, and give them a chance to charge industry rates (vs. ultra-low Fiverr rates) by being vetted.

Second thought: It’s weird that Fiverr, which currently markets itself to the “lean entrepreneur” would create a pro service which would target a very different market. How will the Fiverr brand hold up against offering both the very low price end with unvetted sellers and offering a much higher priced service? It almost seems to be two extremes - a big leap.

Third thought: As I was going through the application, one of the first things they asked was for as many social media accounts as you could produce, and your influence (eg. number of followers etc.) on those accounts. They ask questions about your work history and work process outside of Fiverr only. They also ask you to describe interesting or significant projects you have worked on - again, outside of Fiverr. All this leads me to think they are looking for people who already have a thriving freelance business of their own. And quite frankly, why would they want to come to Fiverr when they are already attracting plenty of big, well-paying clients?

I was disappointed because I expected Fiverr would be looking at our quality of work and choosing pro sellers that way. Instead, it seems to be mainly based on how many followers you have and the size of projects you have worked on. Which certainly counts for something, but I’m willing to bet most Fiverr sellers are here because they don’t have that yet. It would have been nice to have some sort of ranking based largely on demonstrated ability.

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