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What is Fiver's r?

Guest farhad032

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Guest farhad032

i don’t know “r” meanings!!! But i want know this …please known me who know this.

Guest lloydsolutions

Before making any further posts I suggest you read the forum for tips and also the Fiverr Academy where you will find answers to your questions. That is the best way! 🙂

Guest farhad032

Thanks for your suggest.

Guest farhad032

thanks for your suggest driedwriter.but i know this but i am not sure for this.

Guest offlinehelpers

thanks for your suggest driedwriter.but i know this but i am not sure for this.

Why does it matter so much?

It’s called Fiverr, and that’s that! 😀


It’s a little-known fact that the extra r in Fiverr was actually put there to devilishly confound and confuse people. In doing so, the company had the notion that only the best and brightest freelancers would join the site, while the less adept would be left pondering on the one extra “r”, sole in its adamant defiance of spelling conventions.

It was the world’s first example of Lateral Confucius Bidnism, and to date, the only example. Contemporary intellectuals have often been heard to comment that it was nothing more than a passing fad of naming websites with extraneous letters or outright misspelling them to get a valuable “one word” domain, but the reality is that intellectuals talk out of their fundament, and the real reason for the extra r is indeed to split great sellers from bird and beast; it has not always been successful.

Guest lloydsolutions

I hope everyone understood that answer! 🙂 @emmaki you really are a Fiverr gem!


I think, Fiver with extra r explain for “comfort, confident and flexible”. It’s like a cat with furr and not with fur, or another example we are familiar with the word arr not ar.
Example of sentences : arr, I need more order, arr . . .
Hope this helps 😁


sorry too busy to find out I just passed my Level 1 seller and so I m getting drunk 🍾, @emmaki #yes

sorry too busy to find out I just passed my Level 1 seller and so I m getting drunk

Why ask a question if you’re just going to get drunk and not give a shit? Honestly, writers these days. You’re not Ernest Hemingway!


Did I ask a question here? For a so called Top Seller you missed something

Technically, yes, you just did.

But yeah, I mistook you for OP due to your confused drunkposting.


Did I ask a question here? For a so called Top Seller you missed something

For a so called Top Seller you missed something

D’aw, look at you. You’ve completely rumbled me! Still though, at least I can write. I’ll dry my tears with that knowledge.


Why does it matter so much?

It’s called Fiverr, and that’s that! 😀

They can imagine Fiverr as Five’rr

(i.e: User, freelancer, terminator 😝)


I heard a rumor that the founder has a speech impediment which makes “Fiver” sound like “Fiverr”. When he asked someone to create a logo for the business they spelled it with an extra “R” and when the founder saw it he was too embarrassed to ask for it to be changed as he has been mocked about this impediment since childhood.
It’s either that or fiver.com was taken, not sure.


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