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Fiverr Gig Video Keeps Getting Denied


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Hello Sellers! My name is Andre and my gig video keeps getting denied. Here’s the video. I changed the text at the beginning to Exclusively On Fiverr and the picture to a Fiverr logo. And I took out the credits to make the video 1 minute.


Hey Andre,

looks like you are trying to upload a very specific video edit you did instead of a video that specifically advertises what you do.

That’s not going to get approved, no matter what you do.

You need to create a video that specifically advertises what you do.

You can always include a link to your YT channel on your gig’s description so people can see your past work.


You can add video examples you did. But not that long bro, Get rid of lot of parts of it and what you have to do is make it more informative about your gig and your service. Adding just “Exclusively On Fiverr” part wont help for passing the video. I think fiverr has video instructions near the uploading area. That video has all the information you need 🙂
Cheer buddy


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